Facebook live stream module(http://drupal.org/project/facebook_stream) leverages the Facebook Open Stream API. Once installed, the module allows users of the Drupal instance to access their Facebook account and view the real time stream of their friends’ updates from Facebook in a block within their Drupal instance. Users can control the number of posts viewable via the profile settings tab.



Installation for drupal 6

  • install jquery_update-6.x-2.x devel module
  • install jquery UI module by following instructions from http://drupal.org/node/388384#comment-1530114
  • Download facebook_stream module
  • Extract and Copy facebook_stream module into your modules directory
  • If you are not using fbconnect or drupal for facebook modules
    1. download the facebook php sdk from https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-sdk/
    2. Extract the downloaded facebook php sdk and copy the folder as facebook-php-sdk in to the facebook_stream module directory
    3. Create an application on facebook by visiting http://facebook.com/developers
    4. Configure Facebook Application Settings
    • Specify your drupal site url in the facebook application connect url
    • Add your site's server to the Server Whitelist (in Advanced Settings) or disable Session Secret Whitelist Exception
  • Visit the admin/settings/facebook_stream page and add the API Key and Secret key of the facebook application
  • If you are already using fbconnect or drupal for facebook modules
    1. Visit the admin/settings/facebook_stream page and choose the Drupal for facebook or fbconnect module with the version that you are using
  • Enable the module at admin/build/modules
  • Enable facebook stream block at admin/build/blocks
  • Configure the no of posts to be displayed at user/%/fbstreamconnect

Installation of Drupal 7

  • Download facebook_stream module
  • Extract and Copy facebook_stream module into your modules directory
  • Enable the module at admin/build/modules
  • download the facebook php sdk from https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-sdk/
  • Extract the downloaded Facebook php sdk and copy the folder as facebook-php-sdk in to the facebook_stream module directory
  • Create an application on Facebook by visiting http://facebook.php/developers
  • Specify your Drupal site url in the Facebook application connect url
  • Visit the admin/settings/facebook_stream page and add the Application ID, Secret key of the Facebook application
  • Enable Facebook stream block at admin/build/blocks
  • Configure the number of posts to be displayed at user/%/fbstreamconnect


fere0010’s picture


I just tried the live stream plugin and got it to work. The only thing is, that it displays my facebook stream. What I want to do is to display the facebook stream of a given user (it's a facebook user which accompanies the site I am building). The idea is that the site owner can post on this facebook page and these status changes are picked up on the drupal site. Is that possible with this module? And if so how?

Btw, one important piece of information which is missing on your installation instructions is that the user need to install the facebook application you are creating as part of the installation instructions.
