I have a "meeting" content type, which is used to post stuff to a calender.
This type has a long list of cck-fields like Place/Host/Country/Adress etc to force people to fill the form in a uniform way instead of writing "it's a meet" in the body and then posting.
Now I wonder, how can I completely hide/remove/rename the default fields, so they won't show up to a viewer/creator.


VM’s picture

administer -> content types
edit the content type
expand submission form menu

remove the body label (this removes the body field)

title field. Every node requires a title. you have two options here.
use the title field to capture any of the text fields you are using


use the auto_nodetitle.module and have it auto generate a title and hide the title field.

Letharion’s picture

As usual, the only problem was figuring out where to solve the problem, then it got really easy.
Thanks a lot for the help :)