I have Drupal 6.13 installation with path_auto & path_redirect installed.

In "Automated Alias settings" for Path auto, I have defined the setting:
Default path pattern (applies to all vocabularies with blank patterns below):

There has been no setting defined for any Vocabulary individually.

In alias I see the following:
category/articles/custom-controls taxonomy/term/8
category/articles/office taxonomy/term/9
category/articles/programming-techniques taxonomy/term/1
category/ccpp/tc-tcpp taxonomy/term/4
category/ccpp/vc-vcpp taxonomy/term/5
category/net/-net2-0 taxonomy/term/7
category/net/asp-net taxonomy/term/6
category/projects/desktop-app taxonomy/term/2
category/projects/web-app taxonomy/term/3
taxonomy/term/9 taxonomy/term/

Also, I have the following Url redirects:

taxonomy/term/1 http://www.example.com/taxonomy/term/ 301
taxonomy/term/2 http://www.example.com/taxonomy/term/ 301
taxonomy/term/3 http://www.example.com/taxonomy/term/ 301
taxonomy/term/4 http://www.example.com/taxonomy/term/ 301
taxonomy/term/5 http://www.example.com/taxonomy/term/ 301
taxonomy/term/6 http://www.example.com/taxonomy/term/ 301
taxonomy/term/7 http://www.example.com/taxonomy/term/ 301
taxonomy/term/8 http://www.example.com/taxonomy/term/ 301

I dont know how these redirects got created. I remember editing some taxonomy terms (but not all).

Now, no matter I visit:
category/projects/web-app or

I always land at: http://www.example.com/taxonomy/term/

and get a Page Not found error.

I cant understand why those redirects got created, and how should I restore everything back to normal??


r_honey’s picture

Can somebody help me sort out the issue??

bluitz’s picture

I'm having the same issue. Did you ever figure anything out?

rkeppner’s picture

The path_redirect module seems to create the term redirects like those listed above. I deleted the redirects, and things worked as expected. However, any time the pathauto settings are changed, the redirects are recreated, even when the settings are configured not to (as I understood them). Disabling the path_redirect module finally corrected this problem for me.


r_honey’s picture

Path Redirect is the recommended module to be installed with path_auto on the module page. Also, the option:
"Redirect from existing alias"

added by path_redirect to path_auto is the recommended setting. I believe path_redirect is a handy module when you are re-aliasing your site urls avoid "Page Not Found" or SEO issues.

I have observed this issue to happen with Taxonomy terms only. Redirects to nodes are created correctly.
Manually deleting the taxonomy term redirects was the only option. However, I have not disabled the redirect module altogether, as it comes in handy for re aliasing.

virtualdrupal’s picture

I'm having this same issue, so with the redirect automation in place, we essentially can't freely add new taxonomy terms without manually deleting this anomaly, this pretty much destroys my role hierarchy as I don't really won't people that have permission to add terms, to have redirect admin privileges.

John Morahan’s picture

I ran into this one a while back. The problem (if I remember correctly) was that the default alias pattern that pathauto provides for term feeds was incorrect or missing, and ended up generating some broken aliases which in turn confused path_redirect which created those bad redirects. Anyway the solution was to create a proper pattern for the term feeds.

r_honey’s picture

Hi John, I just noticed, the feed pattern for Taxonomy re aliases was missing. I have not updated it to "feed".

I expect some more terms to be created in the next couple of days. Probably, I would be able to report back then as to whether this corrected the issue.

r_honey’s picture

John, I now have the following:

Default path pattern (applies to all vocabularies with blank patterns below):

Internal feed alias text (leave blank to disable):

I just created a new Vocabulary on my site, and 2 terms for it. Unfortunately, I again had those incorrect Url redirects. Clearly, setting proper pattern for term feeds did NOT help.

The problem is somewhere else.

Maedi’s picture

Subscribing. I had this problem and had to disable path_redirect to fix it. I hope I don't have to keep it this way.

jlee’s picture

If you go the admin page for the "Path Redirect" module (/admin/build/path-redirect), you'll see something like "taxonomy/term/xx" redirecting to "taxonomy/term/". If you delete these, you'll fix the issue.

r_honey’s picture

Yes, that fixes the issue for sure. But why did it arise in the first place when all the configuration is correct??

Maedi’s picture

Great advice guys, thanks. I had a few pages worth of broken redirects so I did a search for "taxonomy/term/" in the database and deleted those rows.

Kristen Pol’s picture

The problem is that, if you delete those, later on they will show up again (I'm assuming after changes to pages that affect pathauto URLs), so the underlying cause has not been fixed.


Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristenpol
Drupal 7 Multilingual Sites: http://kristen.org/book

capellic’s picture

I am also having this problem. I have used redirect and path auto many times before and have never seen anything like this.

ikeizer’s picture

Issue confirmed, same troubles here. System seems to insert /taxonomy/term redirects at times.

rupl’s picture

Same issue here on a Drupal 6.14 install

Deleting erroneous aliases (and a couple path_redirects) brought my site back up to speed but I'm not sure what is creating the problem in the first place.

florisla’s picture

To anyone who's researching a solution, this bug has been reported and seems to be fixed as of pathauto 6.x-1.2.