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Integration of the roundcube webmail client in drupal

Roundcube Webmail Project:

Pro / Contra iframe: The iframe solution is not very nice, but roundcube is just a complex application. Maybe it’s also better for maintaining updates. Also following the unix philosophy: a task should have it’s own application.

Advantages: rcmail is an module to use the nice-looking ajax webmail client roundcube in drupal. Users can leave their mail account information in drupals account settings to make use of a single-sign-on. The passwords stored crypted in drupals database*. Some scripts in roundcube were modified to use contacts managed with civicrm**. Users can query, edit and insert new contacts in the contact pool of civicrm.

Future: Uses can see sent emails as activities in civicrm.

Security: The password of the users IMAP account stored in the database using php mcrypt and a key you can set in the rcmail.module. So even a database administrator is not able to read users password as plain-text. To login the IMAP account, the password will be decrypted using mcrypt and the key in runtime. Paranoia: If an evil hacker gain access of booth, drupals database and your key (wich is stored in the script), the hacker is able to decrypt the passwords.

** no patch for civicrm in drupal 4.7 at this time

contributed by polyformal . If you need fast response or modification for your own needs please contact me at to open a business track.

Project information
