
This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

I am going to be merging OG Forum D7 back into this namespace once I ensure that SA-2011-004 is no longer an issue.

I will NOT support D6!

I have finished marking all of the open issues as Closed (won't fix). Please do NOT file any issues against 6.x branches. As stated above, I am not planning on supporting D6.

Creates a forum per organic group and restricts viewing forum nodes by group membership.

TBD - OG Forum D7 is a complete rewrite. I'll be addressing some outstanding issues before I bring OG Forum D7 over. Then I'll compare its feature set to what was originally provided by OG Forum.

Thanks to Jamey Boje for the art work.

Previous Maintainers

Paul Booker

Project information
