I'm building a Drupal site where I want to give the users the possibility of logging in with there Google Apps account. These are the special domain @example.com accounts, not the normal @gmail.com accounts.

I'm having trouble getting it to work. If I understand the documentation correctly, I should be able to use OpenID to authenticate the user. So I enabled the OpenID module in Drupal. This works fine for my @gmail.com account, using the URL:

I enter the URL, get redirected to google.com, enter my credentials and get redirected back. Now under My account -> "OpenID Identities" I have a new entry. And logging in again with the URL works good.

Unfortunate, when I try to do the same with a Google Apps (example.com) account it doesn't work. Looking at the documentation, I have to use:

So when I enter the URL i get the message "OpenID-login failed.". When i try to add the OpenID under My account, the page refreshes with no result.

I also tried using the first URL, but than I cannot login on google.com

I read somewhere that the OpenID login for Google Apps is not completely standards compliant. Is this the problem? Or is there something that I'm doing wrong? All help will be appreciated.


steven.sweeney’s picture

...and what little documentation I've found has been quite fragmented. Very nice summary above.

Anybody? Help!

Heine’s picture

The Google "OpenID" for App domains requires additional, non-standard discovery steps. Drupal does not support these non-standard discovery steps.

See http://groups.google.com/group/google-federated-login-api/web/openid-dis....

jrowny’s picture

Here is some PHP code which works with the new discovery routine: http://code.google.com/p/php-openid-apps-discovery/source/browse/trunk/s...

I have not figured out how to patch/modify Drupal to support this.

qayshp’s picture

Any ideas on how to use this code within Drupal?
I'll take a closer look once I get time, but I was wondering if anyone has had any luck.

mudsurfer’s picture

I'm also in the same pickle with this issue. My family has a shared blogging site, and we all share a google apps domain, and use google apps for webmail. Would be great to use same login and password. I'm no developer, but would be happy to help with testing and documentation if anyone does have any attempts at this?

yang_yi_cn’s picture
