With CCK Blocks, each cck field is you can select cck fields to be available as a block. These blocks can be added to whatever can handle blocks (sidebar, panel, etc.).

When the block for one field is enabled on the blocks configuration page, this block shows up for every node that's content type contains the field for the corresponding block. That means: the block doesn't show up when displaying any other node or page that doesn't contain the field the block belongs to!

When a field is exposed in a block, the field's content shouldn't be displayed in the content area of the node. However, cck blocks doesn't change that setting. The field display settings must be adjusted manually at the 'display fields' settings page.

It's also possible to adjust the block display settings for each field at the 'display fields' settings page.

Without any additional settings, the field's title is used as the title of the block. That title can be change at the blocks settings page. It's also possible to use the token module to change the title of the block by referencing another field or any using other token.


Aleet’s picture

I don't get it why you explain what the module does but never bother to explain how to set it up. Nary of documentation on the project page or in the module package. Why do you do this? You go through all the trouble to build a module, offer it to the world free of charge, but don't take the trouble of writing a couple of simple paragraphs on how to use the darn thing! It's like going on and on telling the thirsty how wonderful water is but not giving them a drink.

end0rama’s picture

Yes, documentation is horrible... But after a little time of searching and looking around on the drupal admin interface i found it! :)

See the image of the settings

I had to navigate to the single field setting page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and then I found settings!
The correct path is:
Administer > Content management > {content type} > {field}

After enabling one field, go to the Administer Block page, and you'll find a block named "CCK: {field name}".

Also on Administer > Content management> {content type} > Display fields you can find a tab called "CCK Blocks", in which is possible to customize display settings for block...