I have just tried this feature as described in https://secure.m2osw.com/doc_insert_node_commenting_on_sub_nodes

First of all I don't understand why use jquery_plugin_add('cookie'); if back_from_comment.js doesn't use cookies at all. If you try change this function to:

 function InsertNode_init() {
  // If you experience side effects, feel free to comment out this add.
  // All you lose is the coming back to the correct node when commenting
  // an included node.
   drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'InsertNode') . '/back_from_comment.js');

it will work fine.

Unfortunately url like this http://site.com/comment/reply/35317#comment-form?destination=node/35350 doesn't scroll page position to #comment-form place. It is very inconvenient in case of long pages with a lot of comments.


AlexisWilke’s picture

Okay, I made some changes to the -dev. Let me know whether that works better for you. It should be available with 12h.

Thank you.
Alexis Wilke

premanup’s picture

Thank you Alexis, now anchor takes right place in url.

What about query support?

For example for views http://site.com/content?page=1 in case of editing/replay a comment resulting destination should be:
