I have my site with 26 pages of content and currently it views the most recent on top at the frontpage being page 1. Instead I want the frontpage to be the last page #. So the most recent stuff would still be on the frontpage, but the page number would be 26 or x.


remi’s picture

This is also something I wanted since a while and I have no idea why no one else seems to think about this.

Page 1 of the node listing should display the oldest posts, instead of the newest. The way it is now may hurt search ranking and makes URLs not permanent. With the method currently implemented, something on page 10, for example, will end up on page 20 later after I've posted dozens of new posts. However, if we reverse the order of pages, what is displayed on page 10 will most likely stay on page 10 (unless you delete tons of posts preceding that page).


gforce301’s picture

What you are asking for can be done with views to a degree. However, page 1 will still always be page 1 and the content could change. The frontpage shows 'teasers' of the nodes i.e. just a part of them, you follow the 'read more' link to get to the 'permanent' URL for that content. Having the newest content first is the way most of the world would expect a listing to appear, which is why I am not surprised no one commented before now. Along the same lines, most of the world starts counting at 1 (computers at 0) and it would be a confusing user experience to land on a fronpage and be on page #26 and have the pager counting down to #1.

If you want 'static' content on your frontpage you have 2 basic options.
1) Create a node to use as your frontpage.
2) Have some blocks on your frontpage that the content does not change in.

esllou’s picture

I think the clearest way to do this is to use views, create a view with the listing how you want, then make that view your front page.