The Facebook-style Links module (FBSL) provides the ability for users to attach and submit links along with their Facebook-style Statuses (FBSS). Combined with FBSS, the FBSL module provides an attach link form that loads via AHAH. Users can then attach a link with an (optional) thumbnail, title and description to their status. In the nutshell, it imitates the link attachment feature on Facebook.

FBSL also provides token support for modules such as Activity 2.x. The themed image, title, description and status among other tokens are offered. The FBSS statuses which have a attached link, have their own separate Activity Publisher Templates.


Returns a link object. $sid is the Status ID. Link objects contain a Status ID (sid), shared URL (url), image (image), description (description) and title (title). It returns FALSE if status does not exist or does not have a link attachment.
Returns a FBSS status object merged with the link object. $sid is the Status ID. This status object contains a Status ID (sid), User ID (uid), Poster UID (pid), timestamp (status_time), status text (status), shared URL (url), image (image), description (description) and title (title). The User ID belongs to the user on whose profile the relevant status was posted. It returns FALSE if status does not exist or does not have a link attachment.
Deletes a status having a link attachment. The sid is the status ID of the status to be deleted. If the status doesn't have a link attachment, function returns without doing anything.


Use to manipulate the status with link attachment immediately after it is saved into the database. $status is the status object merged with the link object as stated in facebook_link_load_status().
Use to manipulate the status with link attachment immediately after it is edited. $sid is the Status Id of the status being edited.
Used to manipulate the status before it is deleted, or to react to the status being deleted. $sid is the status ID of the status that is about to be deleted.