Hello all,

This is a new Drupal theme. Using the same image banner of Acquia Slate and hopefully this could be a rival to the great Acquia Slate theme.

Project: http://drupal.org/project/danland

Hope you all like it :)


shoutbox’s picture

This is A really nice looking theme here. I prefer it over the Acquia Slate theme. Im curious to find out what others think on this.

danpros’s picture

Thanks you like it :)

Now working on the handbook for theme documentation.

Follow me @danpros

HGrf’s picture

Much appreciated! Very nice theme, documentation covers most important aspects and is well-written. Thank you for your work, Dan!

danpros’s picture

You can improve that documentation as well. Just thinking to adding an advanced theme settings to the theme, maybe I should borrow some settings from Acquia Slate too :D

Follow me @danpros

kraymer’s picture


Thanks for the great theme! Looks great!

Can't wait til I have something to use it for.


danpros’s picture


Now we adding an image slideshow and pngFix on it.

Follow me @danpros

danpros’s picture

Superfish drop-down menu added.

Follow me @danpros

shane2peru’s picture

Love the theme. I got the custom slide show thing working fine, wondered if there was documentation on the drop down menus? I read the documentation that I could find, but didn't see anything about enabling the drop down menu. Very nice theme though, exactly what I was looking for.


Ugg, never mind, I just found the documentation on the superfish menu. I don't think that was there before. Great theme!

danpros’s picture

You can improve that slideshow. Danland use the jquery.cycle.min.js and if you want more powerful slideshow then you should download the complete version; jquery.cycle.all.js in here, and read the documentation to configuring it.

Put the jquery.cycle.all.js inside the Danland theme folder and change the template.php

drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'danland') . '/jquery.cycle.min.js');


drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'danland') . '/jquery.cycle.all.js');

Follow me @danpros

_gramur’s picture

Nice clean design. From the looks of it, this would make a great starter theme for those who need more regions than what most themes provide.


xiara’s picture

I realy like it.
Too bad the slideshow cannot be configured through some interface.
I'm using it for www.timvandewalle.be