Drupal 6.16 site with the above error when trying to access "Triggered Rules" from the admin menu.

The Rules module is 6.1.1. Tried upgrading to 6.1.2, but get the same results.

The module and site was working normally until recently. I've just taken over this site, so I'm not sure if anything was changed.

Any ideas or suggestions appreciated.


mpruitt’s picture

I was able to learn from the previous site maintainer that the problem started when she upgraded from Drupal 6.15 to 6.16.

Here is what fixed the problem for me:

1. Export the rules
2. Disable Rules modules
3. Uninstall the database tables for the Rules modules
4. Enable the Rules modules
5. Import the rules

nicothezulu’s picture


stevesmename’s picture

Ditto. THX!