I was looking around to work the image upload into my drupal 7 site with no luck. Got tired of endless downloads. And Finally I figured it out.
Yes you need to set the
$Config['Enabled'] = true ; in yoursitefolder\sites\all\libraries\fckeditor\editor\filemanager\connectors\php\config.php

But key is here...
go to yousitefolder\sites\all\modules\wysiwyg\editors\fckeditor.inc

open it in notepad....
and change the following.

function wysiwyg_fckeditor_settings($editor, $config, $theme) {
$settings = array(
'EditorPath' => base_path() . $editor['library path'] . '/',
'SkinPath' => base_path() . $editor['library path'] . '/editor/skins/' . $theme . '/',
'CustomConfigurationsPath' => base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'wysiwyg') . '/editors/js/fckeditor.config.js',
'Width' => '100%',
'Height' => 420,
'LinkBrowser' => FALSE,
'LinkUpload' => TRUE,
'ImageBrowser' => TRUE,
'ImageUpload' => TRUE,
'FlashBrowser' => FALSE,
'FlashUpload' => FALSE,
// By default, FCKeditor converts most characters into HTML entities. Since
// it does not support a custom definition, but Drupal supports Unicode, we
// disable at least the additional character sets. FCKeditor always converts
// XML default characters '&', '<', '>'.
// @todo Check whether completely disabling ProcessHTMLEntities is an option.
'IncludeLatinEntities' => FALSE,
'IncludeGreekEntities' => FALSE,

Notice I set true on Image browser and Image Upload. That's all you need.

DRUPAL 7 USERS: You DO NOT need to install anything but WYSIWYG and FCKEDITOR(from the fckeditor site) 2.2.6.

Drupal version < 7 don't need this... they can simply remove WYSIWYG and install first FCKEDITOR Module and then install FCKEDITOR... place FCKEDITOR inside the FCKEDITOR module...and their upload will work....


da_solver’s picture

This is not a "module development" post. Please use the "post installation" forum.

comicsal’s picture

Although the above action allows me to see the Upload tab that allows me to browse my computer for an image (thanks for that), once it's been uploaded the image doesn't appear in that Article when I attempt to view it.

But when I go to 'edit' the Article, the image is there. When I save it, the image has disappeared again when I go to view the Article.

Have you experienced this before? and if so, have you managed to resolve it?

I have even reset this line of code within fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php

$Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/userfiles/' ;


$Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/xampp/[website_name]/sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail/public/field/image/';

and, although the image does get uploaded to this location, it is never visible in an Article. Very frustrating.

Naveen Kumar-2’s picture


I have installed drupal7 in my machine.When i install FCKEditor 6.x it is giving a message "This version is not compatible with Drupal 7.x and should be replaced.". Can some one help me on this.

Thanks in Advance,

CharlieCastle’s picture

ckeditor replaces fckeditor for D7.

cartagena’s picture

Hi. I am using the latest D7 dev version with media module. I am now trying to find a wysiwyg editor. I installed the wysiwyg module and the CKeditor and tinyMCE editors and have been trying them out. I cannot get a media browser/upload to work with either of them. When I enable the image button without media module installed I don't get the browser option. (I did install IMCE because a search revealed that it would add the browser option to these two editors.} So I then enable the media module and I have to select both the image and image browser buttons. I then get two image icons in the toolbar. One of them gives me the media module image browser that puts in an image with an odd string of code [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"361","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]] that doesn't display the image. And the other one is the editor button that doesn't connect with the media module upload.

I've been working on this for three days trying every combination possible. I also tried BUeditor but that doesn't give me align options which I need. I tried the insert module. But nothing seems to work. I'd appreciate any ideas. All I need is a simple image upload/place with the ability to insert and align an image using standard styles. Thanks!

Web Building and Design

pardalman’s picture

You have to go to Administration » Configuration » Content authoring » Text formats

Then check "Converts Media tags to Markup" (this is the description below:This filter will convert [[{type:media... ]] tags into markup. This must be enabled for the WYSIWYG integration to work correctly with this text filter.)

scottsawyer’s picture

Did you change the "text format" to "Full HTML"?

You can add the image tag to your "Filtered HTML" list if you want. Administration » Configuration » Content authoring » Text formats.

Hope this works for you. I too am looking for the best WYSYWG
