Getting started with Quickstart

Quickstart was created to provide a simple and intuitive way to start working on Drupal websites and code.

It attempts to accomplish this in several ways:

1) Smaller learning curve through pre-configuration. Wherever possible, we've done the research so you don't have to.
2) Dead simple setup by providing a downloadable virtual machine. Download, start.
3) Automating basic tasks. Quickstart provides tools to automate installing/deleting Drupal sites.

For information on installing quickstart, go here.

Automating basic site tasks

Sites need to be installed, deleted, backed up, restored, and verified

Each Site consists of a variety of configuration: dns, web server, database, php code, and installation.

Quickstart provides tools to quickly manage all these configurations in one command. This automation is done with drush, a command line tool for managing Drupal sites.

For example, to create a new site, run this command:

$ drush quickstart-create

Quickstart will

  • Configure DNS by editing the /etc/hosts file
  • Configure Apache by creating a virtualhost for ""
  • Create a MySQL database called example1_dev
  • Download the most recent Drupal release (at this time Drupal 7) from
  • Run the Drupal 7 installer (without a web browser)

Another example, same as above, but specify path, make file, and profile for D7:
$ drush quickstart-create --codepath=/home/quickstart/websites/ --makefile=/home/quickstart/websites/d7.make --profile=standard

For D6:
$ drush quickstart-create --codepath=/home/quickstart/websites/ --makefile=/home/quickstart/websites/d6.make --profile=default

Additional "drush quickstart-create" Examples

Create empty directory and configure virtual host

To just create an empty directory (useful when you need to clone a repository), use:

$ drush qc apache dns

This will create an empty "" directory in the "websites" directory as well as make the site accessible via in a web browser.

Create empty directory, configure virtual host, create empty database

To just create an empty directory (useful when you need to clone a repository) AND an empty database, just add "database" to the previous command:

$ drush qc apache dns database

This will also create an empty "example3_dev" database.

Quickstart uses drush commands from drush and drush make.


jivmuk’s picture

Command failed: Makefile ~/quickstart/d7dev.make not found. [error]

Any idea why this is the case? Thanks!

Matt V.’s picture

I was having trouble getting quickstart to find my make file too. What ultimately worked for me to was to put the make file in the websites directory where I was running the quickstart command, so I didn't have to preface the filename with a path.

Danny_Joris’s picture

Quickly setting up a website using drush worked nicely, but now I'm trying to set up a website that I've checked out using SVN. I've already set up the database, and I manually added my website to th e/etc/hosts file . (is there a terminal shortcut/command for this? ) but I'm not sure what to do next. Any tips/references?

Thanks for building the Quickstart solution. I don't know all the ins and outs yet, but I'm already very excited about it. :)

The only main difference with the example website that I can see, is that my svn checkout website is located in /home/quickstart/websites/mywebsite/trunk/Website/http

So I've added my website name to the hosts file: mywebsite #quickstart

And I've copied and modified the apache file of (and named it 'mywebsite' so it looks like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName mywebsite
  ServerAlias *.mywebsite
  DocumentRoot /home/quickstart/websites/mywebsite/trunk/Website/http
  <Directory /home/quickstart/websites/mywebsite/trunk/Website/http>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
  <VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName mywebsite
    ServerAlias *.mywebsite
    DocumentRoot /home/quickstart/websites/mywebsite/trunk/Website/http
    <Directory /home/quickstart/websites/mywebsite/trunk/Website/http>
      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
      AllowOverride All
      Order allow,deny
      allow from all
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile    /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key

I call the DB in settings.php using: (but for now index.php isn't even being called)

$db_url = 'mysqli://root:quickstart@localhost/mywebsite';
Matt V.’s picture

Danny, take a look at the help for the drush qc command, which can create the dns, apache, and database entries separately:

quickstart@quickstart:~$ drush help qc
Create a quickstart development website (code, database, apache, dns, install).

 Create site in one command: setup dns,    drush quickstart-create all          
 apache, create db, download d6, run                
 installer, open in firefox                                                     
 Simplest format                           drush qc all    
 Complete format                           drush quickstart-create all          
 Create DNS (/etc/hosts)                   drush quickstart-create dns          
 Create Apache                             drush quickstart-create apache       
 Create Database (mysql db and user)       drush quickstart-create database     
 Create Code (download and patch)          drush quickstart-create code         
Danny_Joris’s picture

Thanks, that's good to know!

ullak’s picture

I've installed Quickstart and created new stie using:
$ drush quickstart-create all (obviously with my own named domain)
but when I try to start Drupal it doesn't like the username and password. What am I doing wrong?
help please.

atimesa’s picture

Everything worked find until the Drupal installation page ( wanted to know the database configuration. Using mysqli one would expect:

Database name: quickstart
Database username: quickstart
Database password: quickstart

That's wrong.

user/password: root/root is also a fail.

So there's no way to get into the database to fix things... not without it's admin password.


Danny_Joris’s picture

Isn't it the same as your domain/setup/site name? With dots replaced by underscores.

For this would be:
user: example_dev
pass: example_dev

budda’s picture

i tried using example6_dev for the username and password on the default site and it didn't work. I can't see any documentation about the login for the Drupal 6 site anywhere! It's not quickstart/quickstart like the docs say "everything" is either.

rickumali’s picture

I know this is an old post, but I wanted to document this for future reference on this page. drush can be made to show database passwords. Using Quickstart 1.0, I did the following:

% cd ~/websites/
% drush sql-conf --show-passwords

The drush output shows:

    [driver] => mysql
    [username] => example6_dev
    [password] => example6_dev
    [port] => 
    [host] => localhost
    [database] => example6_dev
briteness’s picture

I am a true beginner with Drupal, MySQL, etc. I spent several hours dealing with getting into the database with phpMyAdmin (error 1045), but your advice worked. I read a lot of things, but never came across that until now. Thank you for putting it here!

lewis_pusey’s picture

check the information in the terminal window it probably gives the admin login is my guess

kay_v’s picture

for future reference, passwords for each place you might need one are listed on the Quickstart project page (see installation instruction #5):

5. Start developing! Passwords:

Unix = quickstart:quickstart
MySQL = root:quickstart
Drupal = admin:admin - Drupal training

pab1953’s picture

I have Quickstart 0.8 installed on a Windows/Vista/Dell box and I'm trying to get D7 installed and I'm assuming I do this through Drush. When I double-click on the Drush shell script a message box appears and asks "Do you want run 'Drush' or display its contents?" and I'm given the options of Run in Terminal, Display or Run. When I choose Run in Terminal, a terminal screen appears ... and disappear in a second. When I click Run nothing happens.


ptmkenny’s picture

Just open a terminal and type "drush NAME_OF_COMMAND" (without quotes).

To install drupal 7 in Quickstart using drush, type "drush quickstart-create" (without quotes). Wait a few minutes and then open up Firefox, type in the url bar, and boom, nearly instant Drupal goodness.

wisemanIV’s picture

I've successfully installed Quickstart as a virtual machine on my Mac. I've also created my own test website and can logon via Firefox.

My next step is to install a module and then customise a module. However, I can't seem to find the location of the drupal installation.

I see an option to install modules on the website. However, it is asking for FTP credentials that I don't have. I've tried admin, admin and a few other possible combinations. Does Quickstart enable FTP during install?

The documentation for creating modules talks about creating modules in /sites/all/modules. Where is this directory? If I need to create it where should I create it so that my new website displays it in the module list.

Thanks for your help.

zanix’s picture

The websites are stored at: ~/websites
or /home/quickstart/websites/

semiuniversal’s picture

I basically love Quickstart -- wonderful idea and implementation -- but when I upgraded to Quickstart 0.9 drush no longer seems to work. I am a Linux novice and I am not really familiar enough with the command line to hack my way out of this. That also seems to be beside the point (the install should just work, and it used to in version 0.7).
I have Quickstart 0.9 installed on my Vista64 box. I downloaded it and fiddled around for the last 2 days trying to get things to work -- setting up Eclipse, importing project files from shared drive, installing subclipse... It was very educational :) In the process I probably screwed up my Quickstart 0.9 install so when I discovered that drush was not working as expected, I completely nuked it, deleted its hard drive files, re-downloaded the torrent and re-installed.
With a completely virginal install, here's what I get:
quickstart@quickstart-VirtualBox:~$ drush qc
Creating dns config (add to /etc/hosts) ... [ok]
... done. [ok]
Creating database: test_dev [ok]
... done. [ok]
Downloading code to /home/quickstart/websites/ (takes a [ok]
minute, check network activity) ...
Project information for drupal retrieved. [ok]
Unable to determine project type for drupal. [error]
Non-existent project type on project drupal [error]
No core project specified. [error]
Command failed: [error]
chown: cannot access `/home/quickstart/websites/': No such
file or directory

UPDATE: I read and the fix worked just fine for me.