
Download link-6.x-2.9.tar.gztar.gz 39.65 KB
MD5: 4ded032cae71f43174f70f70ecd57471
SHA-1: 276c4d0058d45b076a6aaccae5593de7672af598
SHA-256: 4ed435d9432345a92c9952dfad1a41c2e388fa3161d9332f50f6bec521b86d34
Download link-6.x-2.9.zipzip 56.22 KB
MD5: c7e38ec16194e3121352670f715ac71e
SHA-1: 4ee58d1b48f22b3c52db9aac66909261ed910e7b
SHA-256: e18500aeb47bf23c708ae072e65a3346b641bd8a07ea1e795e8fb71f6dc28f28

Release notes

Mostly a bug fix release - here we're clearing out a number of errors that crept in from 6.x-2.8, as well as handling a few new unicode characters for urls, as well as a change which should allow the unicode character code to work in PHP 4.

On the new functionality side, we've got some tweaks to the views support, including formatting the plain title of the link and support for Views 3. It's also now possible to turn off link validation for a field, in case you need to include some seriously non-standard urls.

The full list:
Patch #425536 by JamesAn: Fix a minor typo.
bug report #625552 by jcfiala: removed default values from field value attributes so that the field attributes can properly override them. Also added simpletest to test the fix.
task #438770 by jcfiala: added test for rel='nofollow' functionality.
task #438770 by jcfiala: Adding more tests to validate various urls.
bug report #660138 by chris_bbg888: Changing validation to include letters with umlouts.
User interface #335281 by thePanz:Adds title attribute to links.
bug report #685874 by jcfiala:Changed code to allow {, } in querystrings.
User interface #335281 by thePanz, jcfiala: Now if the title matches the link title, the title is not included in the link.
bug report #376818 by pauline_perren,jeffschuler,dropcube: extended the url field to accept 2048 characters, god help us.
bug report #720988 by jcfiala:html not working on static title when token not enabled.
bug report #628902 by strangeways,jcfiala: Fixed removing 'nofollow' from the rel array, which had been generating a preg_match error.
bug report #626932 by jtsnow,jcfiala:_link_sanitize now checks that field attributes are an array before adding defaults to them.
task #438770 by jcfiala:Adding link validation tests.
task #438770 by jcfiala:Adding more link validation tests.
bug report #575344 by jcfiala:Changed query regex in link validator to accept spaces.
bug report #615642 by whurley,jcfiala:Fixed anchor validation to accept / and ? characters.
bug report #733702 by jcfiala:Fixed tokens in title attribute - was not using correct variable to get the title attirubute value.
support request #357604 by kcoop,jcfiala: Added switch to turn off url validation.
bug report #739650 by jcfiala:Fixing validation to not use html_entity_decode for PHP4 installations.
bug report #495834 by jcfiala:Added three more unicode characters to link_validate_url()
support request #357604 by jcfiala: Making sure creating a new link field defaults to validation on.
bug report #628902 by jcfiala:Additional check to catch passing an array value of ['attributes']['rel'] into the l() function.
bug report #715682 by funkmasterjones,jcfiala:Several uses of the token module weren't correctly checking if ['enable_token'] had been set to true.
task #519416 by stella,maijs:Add new 'Title, as plain text' field formatter for views.
bug report #796042 by hefox,jcfiala:Allow period for internal urls in validation, such as rss.xml.
bug report #495834 by jcfiala:Turns out the Eszett character is not allowed in domain names, so changed validation to prevent it from being used there.
by jcfiala:Various tweaks to link module to pass coder inspection.

Created by: jcfiala
Created on: 14 Jun 2010 at 18:17 UTC
Last updated: 15 Dec 2013 at 05:18 UTC
New features
Bug fixes

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