In 4.7 version of i18n translation block is not an easy way to setup only flag without anything else for switching languages on page
Well I have solved this thing for my purpose and after that I found that there was discussion but is too long and not clear so this is how to make it in easy way (I hope):

In the file of page template (page.tpl.php) U have to add to the right place [where it should be shown] snippet:
<div id="menu"><?php echo theme('item_list', i18n_get_links($_GET['q']));?> </div>

To the file of theme template (template.php) override function theme_i18n_link, which is responsible on layout of links printed by translations block, beside 'theme' in name of function U have to write name of your theme (name of directory where all files are stored) then if this name is mytheme the function will be like this:

function mytheme_i18n_link($text, $target, $lang, $separator='&nbsp;'){
  $output = '<span class="i18n-link">';
  $attributes = ($lang == i18n_get_lang()) ? array('class' => 'active') : NULL;
  $output .= l(theme('i18n_language_icon', $lang), $target, $attributes, NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE);
  $output .= '</span>';
  return $output;

In style file [normally style.css included in header placed in the same directory as other files] or directly in header of page template file is styled look of the block:

#menu {
  /* float: right; */
  margin-top: 0.9em;
#menu li{
  list-style: none inside none;
  margin-left: 0.5em;

where settings of #menu moves with all the block and #menu li changes settings of flag itself (same for all flags) [eg removing line display:inline; will make every flag in next line]

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