Can you please tell me which file has the ‘feed-icon’ in?

I ran a find and search in my theme files but couldn't find it.



profix898’s picture

The default feed icon is located at '/misc/feed.png'.

VM’s picture

the function itself is found in includes/

function theme_feed_icon($url) {
  if ($image = theme('image', 'misc/feed.png', t('Syndicate content'), t('Syndicate content'))) {
    return '<a href="'. check_url($url) .'" class="feed-icon">'. $image. '</a>';

the css declaration is found in misc/drupal.css

#aggregator .feed-source .feed-icon {
  float: right;
  display: block;

for future reference, winmerge (free) and crimson editor (also free) give you the ability to search an entire folder of files for a specific piece of code. dreamweaver (retail) also gives you this ability. Which means you can search through the entire drupal folder and all folders inside it in one search, and be handed back every instance of a specific piece of code.

jason342’s picture

And how can I get rid of it from the root?

Not just via display: none;

VM’s picture

how do you propose that users will subscribe to the feeds ? if you remove the link ?

you can comment out the funtion using // preceeding each line of code. or remove the css from drupal.css

i don't reccomend doing either.

sillygwailo’s picture

If you want to get rid of the feed icon wherever it's called, add this to a file called template.php in your theme's directory. Let's assume that my theme name is 'cherryblossom' (since that's what it is):

function cherryblossom_xml_icon($url) {
function cherryblossom_feed_icon($url) {

Replace 'cherryblossom' with the name of your theme, and click to administer » themes so that Drupal 'registers' that you want to override the theme functions.

This way you can keep your install of Drupal up to date without having to comment out code each time you update. People will still be able to subscribe to the feed if they know the URL, or if they pop in the URL to the site, since many (most?) aggregators support feed autodiscovery.

(Username formerly my full name, Richard Eriksson.)