The current javascript tools collection of modules has some very interesting functionality, however with 5.0 coming jQuery will be handling Drupal's javascript functionality. What I'm wondering is if I use the current javascript tools to develop site functionality, will that break with 5.0? How good is jQuery? Am I better off just waiting before I implement features like dynamic(ajax) loading of tabs and menus?


mlsamuelson’s picture

I've quickly become a fan of jQuery. IMHO it makes basic Javascript about as easy to implement as CSS. Cool deal, that!

I'm primed to start working with jQuery, but in Drupal 4.7 jQuery conflicts with existing js, so I'll have to wait to implement some fun stuff until 5.0 comes out.

That doesn't really address your main question, though, does it?

Am I better off just waiting before I implement features like dynamic(ajax) loading of tabs and menus?

You might be. You could always download a CVS version of Drupal (ie. 5.0) and testing the waters, but if you go to that trouble, you'd probably better spend your time learning how to do these things via jQuery.

I've started to collect quite a few jQuery links at . I'd suggest taking a look at the examples (most include code), plugins, and the visual documentation for JQuery. It's good stuff - a Javascript library that shares a very similar philosophy to Drupal.

Michael Samuelson
Idaho Commission for Libraries
and dotted i design


gopher’s picture

Thanks for the reply. Things are more clear now that I've read up on the subject a bit more. It seems like I will probably hold off on using the Javascript tools module for AJAX functionality. More can be found out about jQuery and 5.0 in the AJAX developer's group and on this handbook page.

It seems like the best thing to do at the moment is test out 5.0 and get used to jQuery.