Adding additional skins

Last updated on
11 March 2021

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There is a single hook necessary to implement an additional slideshow skin.

Drupal 7:

 * Implements hook_views_slideshow_skin_info().
function mymodule_views_slideshow_skin_info() {
  return array(
    'pager_right' => array(
      'name' => t('Pager Right'),
      'class' => 'pager-right mymodule-slideshow', //You may chain multiple classes.
      'module' => 'mymodule',
      'path' => 'css',
      'stylesheets' => array(
        'mymodule_slideshow.css', // General styles to apply to all your skins.
        'mymodule_skin_pager_right.css', // Styles specific to the selected skin.

Usage example for Drupal 7

None provided at the moment. Please add yours.

Drupal 6:

Usage Example for Drupal 6

 * Implements hook_views_slideshow_skins().
 * title = Title of the skin (required)
 * class = class name of the skin. (recommended)
 * module = name of the module where the skin is located
 * path = path where the stylesheets are located within the modules directory
 * stylesheets = array of stylesheets to include on the slideshow page 
 * @return
 *  $skins = an array of the skin information above
function mymodule_views_slideshow_skins() {
  $skins['pager_right'] = array(
    'class' => 'pager-right',
    'title' => t('Pager Right'),
    'module' => 'demo_module',
    'path' => 'skins',
    'stylesheets' => array('pager_right.css'),

  return $skins;

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Page status: Needs work

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