i have 2 selectbox's in the first selectbox there is a list of country's from db.
When i select a country i want the second selectbox to fill with city's.

So i want a onchange action on the first selectbox. When a selection is made, i want function city() to be called to fill en visualize the second selectbox.

$form['drop'] = array(
	'#type' => 'select',
	'#title' => t('Country'),
	'#options' =>  $countryArray,
	'#attributes' => array('onChange' => 'dropdown_onclick_function()),

What do have i put in the attributes onchange, and how do i get the value from the first selectbox to return?


dwees’s picture

Try the solution here with an example here

Renze’s picture

That would work if i was running drupal 5.x, But i am currently running drupal 4.7 and than the Jquery code gives errors.

There must be a easy way to this.

something like this:

function dropdown_page(){

 if($dropdown_value == ""){

        $form['drop'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => t('Country'),
        '#options' => $countryArray,
        '#attributes' => array('onChange' => 'dropdown_page())',


        $form['drop2'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => t('City'),
        '#options' => $CityArray,
        '#attributes' => array('onChange' => 'result())',

My question:
- How do i Call a function with onchange?
- How do i give the value of my drop box with it?

dwees’s picture

There is a module for Drupal 4.7.x which is basically a copy of jQuery modified so that it doesn't produce any errors with Drupal's own JS. I think it's called the jQuery module.


sujith7c’s picture


I have one working solution for this problem with JavaScript
Here is it

In my custom module , i have to load the Caste of corresponding Religion

my select box definition is

'#type' => 'select', // religion select box
'#title' => t('Religion'),
'#default_value' => '',
'#attributes' => array('onclick'=>"htmlData('caste.php', 'ch='+_religion[selectedIndex].text)"),
'#options' => $religion,

$caste= array("Any" =>"Any");

'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Caste'),
#'#default_value' =>array("Any"),
'#options' =>$caste ,
'#prefix' => '

'#suffix' => '


And i have included the Java Script file for the function htmlData() directly into my page.tpl.php


here is the Java script

########################SUJITH S #############################

function GetXmlHttpObject(handler)
var objXMLHttp=null
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
objXMLHttp=new XMLHttpRequest()
else if (window.ActiveXObject)
objXMLHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
return objXMLHttp

function stateChanged()
if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete")
document.getElementById("caste_choice").innerHTML= xmlHttp.responseText;
else {

// Will populate data based on input
function htmlData(url, qStr)
if (url.length==0)
if (xmlHttp==null)
alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request");

xmlHttp.open("GET",url,true) ;


the URL call the caste.php file in Drupal directory

HERE IS the caste.php


#global $current_castelist;
#require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
ini_set('display_errors', 1);


if ($_GET['ch'] == "Any") {
  $options = '<div  id="edit--caste-wrapper" class="form-item"><label for="edit--caste">Caste: </label>';
  $options .= '<select id="edit--caste" class="form-select" name="_caste">';
  $options .= '<option  value="Any">Any</option>';
  $options .= '</select>';
  $options .= '</div></div>';
  echo $options;

// HIndu caste
if ($_GET['ch'] == "Hindu") {

$current_castelist = array("Ambalavasi","Nair","Ezhava","Namboodiri","Chettiar","Dheevara","Ezhuthachan","Kshatriya",
"Kudumbi","Mudaliyar","Nadar","Panicker","Rajput","Saliya","SC","Thiyya","ST","Veera Saivam","Viswakarma","Yadav","Guptan","Nambiar","Variar");

$options = '<div  id="edit--caste-wrapper" class="form-item"><label for="edit--caste">Caste: </label>';
$options .= '<select id="edit--caste" class="form-select" name="_caste">';
$options .= '<option  value="Any">Any</option>';

$options .= '<option value="'.$current_castelist[$i-1].'">'.$current_castelist[$i-1].'</option>';
  $options .= '</select>';
  $options .= '</div></div>';
echo $options;

// Muslim Caste
if ($_GET['ch'] == "Muslim") {

$current_castelist = array("Shiya","Sunni","Bohra","Hanafi","Lebbai","Maraicar","Pathan","Rowther","Siddiqui");

$options = '<div  id="edit--caste-wrapper" class="form-item"><label for="edit--caste">Caste: </label>';
$options .= '<select id="edit--caste" class="form-select" name="_caste">';
$options .= '<option value="Any">Any</option>';


$options .= '<option value="'.$current_castelist[$i-1].'">'.$current_castelist[$i-1].'</option>';
  $options .= '</select>';
  $options .= '</div></div>';
echo $options;

//christian castes
if ($_GET['ch'] == "Christian") {

$current_castelist = array("Born Again","Jacobite","Knanaya","Catholic","Malankara","Marthoma","Pentacost","Roman Catholic","Syrian Catholic","Syrian");

$options = '<div class="form-item"><label for="edit--caste">Caste: </label>';
$options .= '<select id="edit--caste" class="form-select" name="_caste">';
$options .= '<option value="Any">Any</option>';
$options .= '<option value="'.$current_castelist[$i-1].'">'.$current_castelist[$i-1].'</option>';
  $options .= '</select>';
  $options .= '</div></div>';
  echo $options;

if ($_GET['ch'] == "InterReligion")
  $options = '<div class="form-item"><label for="edit--caste">Caste: </label>';
  $options .= '<select id="edit--caste" class="form-select" name="_caste">';
  $options .= '<option value="Any">Any</option>';
  $options .= '</select>';
  $options .= '</div></div>';
  echo $options;

if ($_GET['ch'] == "NoReligion")
  $options = '<div class="form-item"><label for="edit--caste">Caste: </label>';
  $options .= '<select id="edit--caste" class="form-select" name="_caste">';
  $options .= '<option value="Any">Any</option>';
  $options .= '</select>';
  $options .= '</div></div>';
  echo $options;

if ($_GET['ch'] == "Jain")
  $options = '<div class="form-item"><label for="edit--caste">Caste: </label>';
  $options .= '<select id="edit--caste" class="form-select" name="_caste">';
  $options .= '<option value="Any">Any</option>';
  $options .= '</select>';
  $options .= '</div></div>';
  echo $options;

if ($_GET['ch'] == "Sikh")
  $options = '<div class="form-item"><label for="edit--caste">Caste: </label>';
  $options .= '<select id="edit--caste" class="form-select" name="_caste">';
  $options .= '<option value="Any">Any</option>';
  $options .= '</select>';
  $options .= '</div></div>';
  echo $options;

if ($_GET['ch'] == 8)
  $options = '<div class="form-item"><label for="edit--caste">Caste: </label>';
  $options .= '<select id="edit--caste" class="form-select" name="_caste">';
  $options .= '<option value="0">Any</option>';
  $options .= '</select>';
  $options .= '</div></div>';
  echo $options;

THIS worked for me , I think this will help you solve same or related problem (replacing Religion and caste with , Country and city ) for those who spending a lot of time to solve

Please Let me know if any body knows other good solution than this

Free software Free community

this story is created by Sujith S (Little Penguin)

suresh7787’s picture

I have a same problem in Drupal 6. I need to pass the data from text field and validate through ajax as you did. Do u have it for Drupal 6?

Am a Acquia Certified Developer--Life Knocks us down. we have to decide whether or not to get up--

KingMoore’s picture

That solution and example are gone. Anyone have something similar?

4elovek’s picture

You should use jquery. Something like that:
$(document).ready(function {