Question/Answer module adds a question/answer section for website. Different from other modules, it uses only one node type for question, and the core comment.module for answer. This allow reutilisation of CCK, Views...

Version 6 of this module is dependant on CCK and CTools. Both are in D7-core, thus version 7 has not any dependency.


  • Users who post questions are allowed to select a comment as the answer.
  • The selected answer is displayed right below question.
  • The posters may specify a date, after this duration, there will be a "most voted answer" if no comment is selected as the answer (not yet implemented, might require Voting API).


Please see the children pages.


An answered question
An opened question


  • Create a content type Q&A or Question & Answer or whatever you wanna call it. Just make sure that the machine name is named question. This will be detected automatically from the configuration.
  • Once the content type is created add some fields. Create a question field (field_question|text), an answer field (field_answer|text) and a duration field (field_duration|integer). The last field is very important. Without it, the configuration will not be able to detect your content type.
  • After that, go to the configuration page admin/structure/views/view/q_a/edit. From there, you should see that the content type you created is already selected, as well as the field_duration.
  • Modify the rest of the configs you want to change and hit Save configuration


SlipperyJim’s picture

This is the very first module that I installed in my very first Drupal site. Thanks so much.

fringedgentian’s picture

Those screenshots are not working for me