
Works with Drupal: 7.x

Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies


Download commerce-7.x-1.0-alpha3.tar.gztar.gz 175.91 KB
MD5: 449fee374e9f9c2f2f350f9a77551222
SHA-1: 221d1a38a06dd26ddf156090f93e768a513aba03
SHA-256: fb0c48a46895db05510a90b29091837435377b1432644665ae718b94bd605368
Download commerce-7.x-1.0-alpha3.zipzip 258.97 KB
MD5: 8da7965832873db292c342d564e925a8
SHA-1: f52646289355020746f1c25feaeabaf8a9b80a73
SHA-256: 950b631982192efe4ba2a93b1de076a152f8db1aca354bed01813e1ab9c56a10

Release notes

Alpha 3 includes various updates to unify language and fields across the user interfaces, with a much improved order edit form that is actually useful now (using vertical tabs, no less). The customer profile reference widget was improved to actually be usable on order edit forms, but it still needs a little bit of love to avoid creating duplicate profiles when it's not necessary.

We also fixed currency handling in relation to the different types of Price field widgets and managed to get every currency defined with much better currency formatting thanks to das-peter. He also helped get our Entity API and Rules integration a little more up to date with more issues pending review in the queue. : )

Work begun last release cycle on the Payment system was pushed forward, with a lot of work done to support credit card payments on-site. A proof-of-concept module was released in the form of Commerce Authorize.Net that you can use as a guide to developing integration with other payment gateways.

The pièce de résistance, though, is the vastly improved Add to Cart form. While it was working fine for single-value product reference fields in the past, multi-value product reference fields were little more than an afterthought. They simply listed the products referenced by title in a select list and did not support displaying product fields in the context of the node. This has all been fixed! And the peasants rejoice!

Referencing multiple products will now cause the form to default to the first product referenced. This default product's fields will then be displayed in the node as if it were a single-value product reference field. If options on the Add to Cart form are changed, the new default product is detected and the product fields on the page will be updated to reflect the new product's fields. Additionally, instead of just listing out all the products referenced in a single select list, the form distills field data from the various referenced products into select lists for user friendly "attribute selection." These fields are dependent, too, so only combinations of attributes that are actually available on referenced products will appear. In short, this is magic, and it is powered all by the Drupal 7 FAPI using its awesome #ajax property.

Full list of commits since the last release:

  • 2010-10-11
    #938418: Minor typo in line item rules by bjalford: typo fix on line item delete action label.
  • 2010-10-11
    #916348: Change the checkbox to remove from the cart to a styled submit button by rszrama: use styled submit buttons to remove products from the cart.
  • 2010-10-12
    #875220: Required fields not ignored when using "Back" in checkout by rszrama: use #limit_validation_errors on the checkout form Cancel and Back buttons, allowing the use once more of required form elements in checkout panes.
  • 2010-10-12
    #908978: IA issue with admin/commerce/orders by rszrama: update the default Orders View to use a single Operations links field and set the necessary menu items to be local tasks with the inline context.
  • 2010-10-12
    Add Views operations links support for products and update all default Views to set the query type properly.
  • 2010-10-12
    #844014: Implement a single way for grouping Commerce modules by rszrama: unify the package naming to use a single Commerce package for core modules.
  • 2010-10-12
    #797670: Determine location of default currency settings by rszrama: update our default currency usage on Price widgets to permit us to use locked Price fields and update accordingly when currencies are disabled.
  • 2010-10-12
    #903624: Add to cart form Views handler by PieterDC, rszrama: add an Add to Cart form Views field handler for products.
  • 2010-10-12
    Remove the dual user IDs from orders so it's just uid; update all the components accordingly. This single uid is now for all intents and purposes the owner of the order; language will be updated in a follow-up commit to indicate owner instead of creator.
  • 2010-10-12
    Change order 'Creator' language to 'Owner'.
  • 2010-10-12
    Change the order revision table to use revision_uid instead of uid so the actual owner of the order isn't changed when the revision data is loaded into the order.
  • 2010-10-12
    Add a revision fieldset to the order edit form and test out a vertical tab display.
  • 2010-10-13
    #940306: Price form widget uses inappropriate format by das-peter: remove commas from default Price field values.
  • 2010-10-13
    It would help if I committed Peter's actual patch. ; )
  • 2010-10-13
    Add order status, comment, notification, and e-mail fields; shuffle around the fieldset contents, titles, and descriptions.
  • 2010-10-13
    Add a more intelligent summary for the order log fieldset.
  • 2010-10-13
    Fix the default currency code for Price field widgets.
  • 2010-10-13
    Move a form rebuild directive in the line item manager widget form so the cancel button works again.
  • 2010-10-13
    Fix some comments in the order module found while organizing order status options on the order edit form by order state.
  • 2010-10-14
    Properly specify when the form should be rebuilt via the line item manager widget (i.e. check for the cancel button specifically).
  • 2010-10-14
    Actually update the order status when the order form is saved with a changed statues.
  • 2010-10-15
    Update default values of customer profile reference fields and change the manager widget to enforce a single value; also update the customer profile checkout panes to support populating the correct profile reference field with data when a new profile is created in checkout.
  • 2010-10-16
    Create customer profile reference fields on orders when the order module is enabled and associate them with the proper checkout pane.
  • 2010-10-18
    #943728: Deleting product types breaks product list if a product of that kind was created… by rszrama: prevent deletion of product types that have at least one product created.
  • 2010-10-20
    #939938: Add access control to checkout pages by rszrama: use the access checkout permission in various places, resolve some bugs in the commerce_checkout_access() function, and add a hook for additional checkout routing.
  • 2010-10-20
    Add transaction uids and access control to the various administrative interfaces based on order access and payment transaction permissions.
  • 2010-10-20
    Fix checkout completion and implement a hook_commerce_checkout_complete() that allows us to store completed order IDs in anonymous sessions for the sake of checkout completion page access and conversion upon login.
  • 2010-10-20
    #947358: commerce_*_entity_property_info() issue with property naming by das-peter: fix our Entity Metadata property naming to use underscores instead of hyphens.
  • 2010-10-21
    #731604: Define all possible currencies by das-peter: add a few more currencies, though we still need the whole list.
  • 2010-10-22
    #947904: Getting duplicated entity metadata from somewhere : ? by fago: fix the problem of duplicate properties exposed to entity metadata by reverting the order controller to the Drupal default entity controller.
  • 2010-10-25
    Fix a module name typo in the Customer .info file.
  • 2010-10-27
    Fix a bug in order creation resulting in invalid order objects being saved and removing unnecessary field default settings for the Price field.
  • 2010-10-27
    Check for the existence of line items in a line item reference field before attempting to delete them.
  • 2010-10-27
    Fix the machine name form element in the product type edit form.
  • 2010-10-31
    #955832: commerce_customer_handler_field_customer_profile::init() fails if module translation is enabled by das-peter: remove a translation module reference from the customer profile field handler.
  • 2010-11-02
    Fix an array_pop() issue in the line item manager widget validation handler.
  • 2010-11-02
    Change the customer profile manager widget to use delta array keys instead of profile IDs to avoid errors on AJAX submit; also fix the line item manager validate widget to avoid PHP errors on AJAX submit for other elements on the form.
  • 2010-11-02
    #731604: Define all possible currencies by das-peter: define all currencies.
  • 2010-11-02
    #731604: Define all possible currencies by rszrama: move the default currency definition to an include file.
  • 2010-11-02
    #731604: Define all possible currencies by dj1999: cache the currencies array and add a parameter to reset the cache when the currency settings form is displayed.
  • 2010-11-03
    Tweak the Price field widget settings form and currency selector.
  • 2010-11-03
    Adding a description to the payment settings menu item.
  • 2010-11-03
    Rename the Null Payment module to Example Payment Method and get rid of the empty commerce_payment_test files.
  • 2010-11-03
    Fix the order controller for new orders and add attachLoad methods to it and the transaction controller.
  • 2010-11-03
    #919266: Providing commerce_product_info() for other modules to be able to add product types by rszrama: load all product type data via hook_commerce_product_info() and change Product UI to use this hook to define product types stored in the database.
  • 2010-11-03
    #957644: Broken Views integration: {commerce_order}.order_number is not numeric by rszrama: update Views integration for order numbers to not use a numeric filter or argument handler.
  • 2010-11-03
    #958944: Add currency specific rounding by das-peter, rszrama: introduce currency specific rounding and use it throughout the code; also updating the currency definition to default to 0 for the rounding_step.
  • 2010-11-03
    Change default base_price price field on products to purchase_price.
  • 2010-11-04
    #961868: Calculate line item total before triggering hooks by das-peter: adjust the line item entity controller to calcualte total prices before performing presave calls.
  • 2010-11-04
    #958944: Add currency specific rounding by das-peter: changing the rounding_step property for currencies and adding API documentation.
  • 2010-11-04
    Add support for configuring module-defined product types when a new module is enabled.
  • 2010-11-04
    Fix the calls to the product type configuration function and provide a way to bypass configuration on save for use during installs.
  • 2010-11-04
    #947892: Provide full Entity Metadata support for our entities by das-peter: flesh out our entity metadata support and replace underscores with hyphens in URLs.
  • 2010-11-04
    #947892: Provide full Entity Metadata support for our entities by das-peter: fix some tabs by replacing with spaces.
  • 2010-11-04
    #731604: Define all possible currencies by das-peter: define all currency numeric codes as strings.
  • 2010-11-04
    Fixing some function names in the base test to address changes in the product type API.
  • 2010-11-04
    #957662: Add database level support for order types by Damien Tournoud, rszrama: add database level support for order types with integration to Views and Rules.
  • 2010-11-04
    #841974: Payment UI by redben, rszrama: add the missing icon for the Pending payment transaction status.
  • 2010-11-05
    #731604: Define all possible currencies by das-peter, dj1999, mikl: update default currency settings and fix the default format for HUF and DKK.
  • 2010-11-05
    Fixing product CRUD tests and clearing the static product type cache when types are saved or deleted.
  • 2010-11-05
    Cosmetic fix to the product admin View to address the changed base_price field name.
  • 2010-11-06
    Made is_new designator on new products.
  • 2010-11-05
    Flesh out the credit card form and add a helper function for credit card type names and months.
  • 2010-11-05
    Clear the Rules cache for default configurations between displaying payment method Rule configuration tables.
  • 2010-11-05
    Adding credit card transaction type constants and default keys for the credit card form field default array.
  • 2010-11-05
    Add credit card validation support and let checkout pane submit functions initiate a rebuild of the form to halt checkout progress.
  • 2010-11-05
    Update the payment transaction content building function to reflect a recent change where the controller unserializes any fields necessary.
  • 2010-11-08
    #699448: Add to Cart form formatter for Product reference fields by rszrama: parse the types of products referenced for an Add to Cart form and use their Fields to provide attribute selection widgets if possible.
  • 2010-11-08
    #699448: Add to Cart form formatter for Product reference fields by rszrama: whoops, messed up the form ID selector. Fixed so the form updates properly again.
  • 2010-11-08
    Put entity label keys into our core entities, even if some are just placeholders.
  • 2010-11-09
    Add display formatter support for the Add to Cart form formatter, allowing a quantity widget to be displayed in the Add to Cart form.
  • 2010-11-09
    #966624: Provide ability to differ between an insert / update in hook_commerce_line_item_presave by das-peter, rszrama: separate line item presaving into two presave hooks that are insert / update dependent.
  • 2010-11-09
    #891338: Make the line item summary's links extensible by rszrama: add hook_commerce_line_item_summary_link_info() to define links for use in the line item summary Views area handler.
  • 2010-11-09
    #920836: Make the payment totals area handler extensible by rszrama: add hook_commerce_payment_totals_row_info() to define rows for use in the table of the payment totals Views area handler.
  • 2010-11-09
    Fix an variable name error in the add to cart form.
  • 2010-11-09
    #885746: Support multiple value product references when displaying product fields on nodes by rszrama: display the fields of the first referenced product in a referencing node.
  • 2010-11-10
    #885746: Support multiple value product references when displaying product fields on nodes by rszrama: add context information around product fields rendered into nodes and to the add to cart form created by the product reference display formatter; then use AJAX commands in the form refresh function to render and replace product fields on the page as different products are selected.
  • 2010-11-10
    Do not select a default product on the add to cart form that does not match the attributes selected.
  • 2010-11-10
    #885746: Support multiple value product references when displaying product fields on nodes by rszrama: refresh the add to cart form using a class based replacement since the HTML id is incremented each time.
  • 2010-11-11
    Sort widgets on the add to cart form using their widget weight on the product edit form.
  • 2010-11-11
    Add weights for the other elements on the add to cart form as well.
  • 2010-11-11
    Support AJAX replacement of product fields when just a product select list is shown as well.
  • 2010-11-11
    Document hook_commerce_checkout_router() and pass the commerce_checkout_router() arguments to it.
  • 2010-11-11
    Add and use an API function return the default currency instead of using variable_get() directly.
  • 2010-11-11
    Support dependent attributes when multiple attribute fields are present on an Add to Cart form; looks for the option that was changed and chooses the first matching product for the new parameter as the default product to build the form.
  • 2010-11-12
    Update the attribute functionality to include a product selector when the default options selected match more than one product on the form.
  • 2010-11-12
    #964160: Tag all views 'commerce' by Haza: add a commerce tag to all of our default Views.
  • 2010-11-12
    Remove unused items from the order edit form and shuffle the vertical tabs again with different names.
  • 2010-11-12
    Add a Processing order status that can be used for pending orders indicate they are currently receiving attention.
  • 2010-11-13
    moved all hook_field_schema callbacks to appropriate install files
  • 2010-11-13
    missed a couple files
  • 2010-11-13
    updating the product_reference field to have foreign keys to the commerce_product table
  • 2010-11-13
    Changed usage of module_invoke_all & rules_invoke_event to rules_invoke_all where applicable.
  • 2010-11-12
    #967856: Use rules_invoke_all instead module_invoke_all and rules_invoke_event where applicable by rszrama: add hook documentation for the various hooks that are not invoked via rules_invoke_all().
  • 2010-11-12
    #967856: Use rules_invoke_all instead module_invoke_all and rules_invoke_event where applicable by rszrama: add hook documentation for the various hooks that are not invoked via rules_invoke_all(); these got missed by my last commit...
  • 2010-11-12
    Add foreign key support to the customer profile and line item reference fields, too.
  • 2010-11-12
    And add a missing $ tag.
  • 2010-11-13
    Adding missing include files to our .info files.
  • 2010-11-13
    Only show enabled links in the line item summary area handler.
Created by: rszrama
Created on: 13 Nov 2010 at 16:44 UTC
Last updated: 1 Aug 2018 at 23:53 UTC
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