Drupal 6.19.

I'm using Aggregator to pull in a rss feed from another drupal site.

The Aggregator block displays the latest stories when the admin user is logged in. It displays nothing (no block) for anonymous users. I have tried setting it to display for all users both by not checking any of the boxes, and by checking all of the boxes (for Role specific visibility settings).

I'm not having problems with any of my other blocks.

My site: http://www.energyjustice.net/

What could be the problem?


bshetty’s picture

Hi Aaron,

This looks like an permissions issue however if you are sure that you have checked into all related permissions. Try this, go to www.yoursite.com/admin/content/node-settings and click on 'Rebuild permissions', logout and then check if the block is visible. This is normally then after major module are enabled.

Hth! :)


akreider’s picture

Awesome. It worked!