I am having a strange problem! /cron.php runs only when a registered user calls the file. I also tried Poormanscron without success.

After some search i found "Running cron as an authenticated user" and tried the recommended way.

There is a User "Antester" with the Login "Testan", then I changed scripts/cron-curl.sh to:

# Reference http://drupal.org/node/479948#comment-1673488 by pearlbear


WGETPARAMS="--quiet -O /dev/null --no-check-certificate --save-cookies $COOKIES --keep-session-cookies --load-cookies $COOKIES"
# if you run drupal in a default language different than English you need to modify this

wget $WGETPARAMS "${SITE}user"
wget $WGETPARAMS --post-data="name=$USERNAME&pass=$PASS&op=$LOGIN&form_id=user_login" "${SITE}user"
wget $WGETPARAMS " ${SITE}cron.php"

and then i tried this CRONTAB Order:
wget -q http://www.mydomain.com/scripts/cron-curl.sh > /dev/null

It is not working. Guess the way I call the CRONTAB is wrong - or?

I also tried a Serverpath in a CRONTAB Order:

But then i receive a mail from the server with this message:
/bin/sh: serverpath/html/scripts/cron-curl.sh: Permission denied

Can anybody give me a helping hand for this?


nickl’s picture

I created a new cron.php, to run cron as user 1 with full permissions, called cron_user1.php.

The following snippet works like a charm.

include_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
global $user;
$user = user_load(1);

Hack the planet =)

Thoor’s picture


Perfect Solution! Thx a lot!

mkadin’s picture

This is somewhat similar to the technique I've been using when encountering this problem. Your implementation could have some security problems though. Essentially, you're allowing anyone who goes to cron_user1.php on your site to be logged in as user 1. I'm not a security expert, but I'm sure there's something nefarious that could be done with that, even if cron is all that gets run.

I usually use this technique:

and I do it around the specific chunk of code that needs higher level access, this helps to sandbox the security problem I hope.

Good luck!

Lucience’s picture

@nickl Thanks a lot!