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For Drupal 7, see the Field group module, which includes tabs support.

Display CCK fieldgroups in tabs. Enables splitting up content onto tabs in both editing and display.

Requires Tabs module as well as Content and Fieldgroup modules, part of CCK. For Drupal 5.x, Tabs module is part of Javascript Tools. For Drupal 6.x, Tabs is a separate module.

Note: if upgrading from the dev version to a stable release, ensure first that you have installed the latest stable release of Tabs.

To use, install and enable the module, then navigate to content type administration at Administer » Content management » Content types. Create one or more fieldgroups for a content type and assign fields to the fieldgroup or use existing fieldgroups.

Each fieldgroup can be displayed on a tab. (It really only makes sense to do so for more than one, since a single tab serves no purpose.)

To get fieldgroups to display on tabs on content editing forms, select "tabs" as the "style" when configuring a fieldgroup under "Manage fields" for the content type in question.

To get fieldgroups to display on tabs when content is viewed, select "Display fields" and select "tabs" as the display style for the groups (e.g., under Teaser or Full).

Maintained by nedjo, Moonshine, and rconstantine.

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