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Tax Tree Nodes shows a taxonomy including all terms with at least one node attached to it as well as a link to the node.

The admin settings allows you to:

  • Show node counts by categories.
    You can exclude certain taxonomies.
  • Make the tree collapsible using jQuery.
    You can exclude certain taxonomies.
  • Exclude certain node types (sponsored by

You can theme the output using taxtreenodes.css and the following functions:

  • theme_taxtreenodes_term
  • theme_taxtreenodes_nodes
  • theme_taxtreenodes_node

How to use

Settings can be found at

To view taxonomy with id 1 as a tree goto

Drupal 6.x version

For the moment there are no plans on updating this to 6.x, if you need something similar have a look at

Donate or Flattr to support further development.

Project information
