This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

UPDATE: Looking at Cache Backport, this module seems somewhat ridiculous ... I have now abandoned it.

Provides multiple caching backends framework. Use any drupal 6 file for a given cache table.

This module works by generating php source-code in order to separate cache_get(), and so on, into different "namespaces" by prefixing the function names.

As this module auto-generates code, it might not be considered production-grade. Use with caution.

The following example uses the memcache backend for all cache tables except cache_form:

$conf['cache_inc'] = './sites/all/modules/contrib/cache_dispatcher/';
$conf['cache_incs'] = array(
  'default'    => './sites/all/modules/contrib/memcache/', // 'default' is used for tables not defined in this array
  'cache_form' => './includes/',

Project information
