Content Security Policy Module Configuration Form - Directives
Content Security Policy Module Configuration Form - Reporting Options

The Content-Security-Policy header allows your Drupal site to inform browsers of trusted sources for JavaScript, CSS, and other external resources. This adds a security layer to detect and mitigate the risk of Cross Site Scripting (XSS), data injection, and other vulnerabilities.


  • Integrates with Drupal's Libraries API to automatically generate a default site-wide policy for JavaScript and CSS
  • Up-to-date with the latest CSP Level 3 Working Draft
  • Policy is automatically optimized to remove duplicate directives and reduce header length
  • Dispatches an event to allow other modules to alter policies for each request
  • Policy Violation logging integrations:
  • For Drupal core < 10.1
    • Automatically adds 'unsafe-inline' to individual requests when necessary for core libraries (core/ckeditor, core/drupal.ajax)
    • The included Content Security Policy Extras module provides additional security hardening by altering core services.

Get Involved

If you're interested in getting involved in module development but don't know where to start, reach out to gapple (@gappleca on Twitter).

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