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This module is similar to Feeds: Telvue. It defines a Cablecast specific parser. "Out of the box" the Cablecast schedule feeds only includes standard RSS. This module refactors existing information from standard RSS fields into custom fields making it easier to map to fields added to an Airing.

This module is co-maintained by Steven Brewer (limako) and Nick Ring (bagelche) of AmherstMedia in Amherst, MA as part of the CMDrupal project. It is designed to be used with other modules included in the Community Media Start Kit (Easy). Consider joining the growing community who have made a commitment to contribute.

Out of the box, a Cablecast RSS feeds looks like...

  <title>Fred Waitzkin: Dream Merchant</title>
  <pubDate>Fri, 21 Feb 2014 23:30:00 GMT</pubDate>

Cablecast is already using the description field to store the duration, but using the Common Syndication Parser, the common hh:mm:ss format in the text field cannot be inserted into a hms_field. The Cablecast Parser converts the hh:mm:ss format into seconds making it mappable. Another problem is only the start date/time is available. This module adds the duration to the start date and creating an end date that is mappable.

  <title>Fred Waitzkin: Dream Merchant</title>
  <pubDate>Fri, 21 Feb 2014 23:30:00 GMT</pubDate>
  <cablecast:endDate>Fri, 21 Feb 2014 23:59:50 GMT</cablecast:endDate>

Project information
