Displaying 1 - 50 of 77
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Kill the overlay for widths below 640 pixels Needs work Major Task 7.x-dev overlay.module 72 4 years 1 month 12 years 8 months
Restore scroll position after closing overlay Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 16 4 years 4 months 12 years 1 month
Adding on BeforeOpen and on CloseDone events to Overlay Needs review Normal Feature request 7.x-dev overlay.module 15 4 years 4 months 11 years 2 months
Overlay stopped working after update to 7.58 from 7.56 Active Major Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 3 6 years 3 weeks 6 years 3 weeks
Overlay (overlay-parent.js) do not consider SVG links target protocol Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 1 6 years 6 months 6 years 6 months
[Tests] Submitting a form in Overlay shows content + dsm() for a split second before redirecting to front-end theme Patch (to be ported) Normal Task 7.x-dev overlay.module 82 7 years 2 months 11 years 5 months
Overlay doesn't work well on touch devices or widths less than 960px - give people an easy way to turn it off Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 7 7 years 5 months 11 years 10 months
Inconsistent behavior in overlay.getPath when using Internet Explorer 10 Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 4 7 years 6 months 10 years 7 months
Parent page should not scroll to top when closing overlay Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 3 7 years 7 months 7 years 7 months
Overlay not rendering sidebar region Active Major Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 2 7 years 8 months 7 years 8 months
Do not show on Overlay using form_state['redirect'] Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev overlay.module 3 7 years 9 months 7 years 9 months
Add missing type hinting to Overlay module docblocks Needs review Normal Task 7.x-dev overlay.module 12 7 years 11 months 11 years 6 months
A way to detect whether a page (parent window) is being "overlayed" Active Normal Feature request 7.x-dev overlay.module 17 8 years 1 month 13 years 4 months
Overlay js files should not be aggregated Active Major Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 1 8 years 3 months 8 years 3 months
overlay doesn't close when drupal_goto redirects to an external URL Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 10 8 years 4 months 12 years 11 months
disabling and re-enabling overlay module causing unexpected behaviours Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 3 8 years 4 months 8 years 4 months
Save configuration opens a new browser window Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 36 8 years 5 months 13 years 1 month
Overlay height breaks when skip-link (Skip to main content) is clicked for short pages Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 13 8 years 10 months 13 years 3 months
Invalid XHTML generated by String.link() Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 4 8 years 10 months 12 years 9 months
Long titles make the overlay too wide Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 7 9 years 1 month 12 years 11 months
Closing the Overlay Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev overlay.module 1 9 years 3 months 9 years 3 months
close overlay on background click Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev overlay.module 1 9 years 8 months 9 years 8 months
Permission denied to access property 'defaultView' in overlay-parent.js line: 271 Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 2 9 years 9 months 10 years 10 months
Incorrect destination from Overlay clickHandler with clean URLs + mod_rewrite turned off Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 25 9 years 10 months 13 years 11 months
Overlays do not appear if document.domain is set Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 3 10 years 1 month 11 years 10 months
Overlay reloads its content on hashchange even when not needed. Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 6 10 years 2 months 12 years 9 months
Submission of a form within the overlay results in infinite loop of submissions and attempted drupal_goto Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 4 10 years 2 months 10 years 2 months
Unauthenticated users cannot disable Overlay Postponed Minor Feature request 7.x-dev overlay.module 19 10 years 2 months 13 years 8 months
[meta][modules/overlay/overlay-parent.js] Support jQuery >= 1.9. Needs review Normal Task 7.x-dev overlay.module 6 10 years 3 months hswong3i 10 years 3 months
Firefox closes overlay on right-clicking close icon, Chromium doesn't Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 5 10 years 3 months 11 years 2 weeks
Visiting an admin page doesn't always display it in the overlay Active Normal Task 7.x-dev overlay.module 18 10 years 4 months 13 years 9 months
Clean up css in overlay Needs review Normal Task 7.x-dev overlay.module 9 10 years 5 months 11 years 10 months
Overlay scrolling in Opera sometimes scrolls the background as well. Active Minor Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 9 10 years 5 months 13 years 6 months
Enabling 'use overlay' setting on profile page does not immediately use overlay for admin pages Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 32 10 years 5 months 13 years 6 months
Overlay URLs do not gracefully fail Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 9 10 years 5 months 13 years 8 months
Overlay does not allow language switching Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 8 10 years 5 months 13 years 7 months
Overlay module submits external forms in new window Needs work Normal Feature request 7.x-dev overlay.module 3 10 years 5 months 12 years 3 months
Users cannot print all modules found on overlay Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 6 10 years 5 months 13 years 10 months
AJAX triggered drupal_goto() in overlay causes double redirect Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 4 10 years 5 months 11 years 11 months
Border-box setting of overlay miss vendor prefix Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 2 10 years 5 months thamas 10 years 11 months
Contextual Links above Overlay Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 3 10 years 5 months mariomc 11 years 2 months
Regression: Adding/removing a shortcut (or otherwise changing the toolbar) while inside the overlay doesn't update the toolbar Needs work Major Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 4 10 years 5 months 10 years 11 months
JS Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 8 10 years 5 months 10 years 10 months
Overlay too wide in Firefox Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 5 10 years 5 months 10 years 10 months
Shortcut-specific code shouldn't be in the Overlay module Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 4 10 years 5 months 14 years 11 hours
Apply the same (or near the same) ARIA attributes to the Overlay that jQuery UI Dialogs use Active Normal Task 7.x-dev overlay.module 2 10 years 5 months 11 years 2 weeks
Redundant character escape in overlay-parent.js Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 3 10 years 5 months 10 years 6 months
Overlay tab order ends in endless loop Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 3 10 years 5 months 10 years 6 months
Overlay doesn't respect internal anchor links Patch (to be ported) Major Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 36 10 years 5 months 13 years 1 week
Javascript settings not fully available in overlay window Active Major Bug report 7.x-dev overlay.module 1 10 years 6 months 10 years 6 months


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