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A module is code that extends Drupal's by altering existing functionality or adding new features. You can use modules contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal modules.

Commerce Core

Commerce Core is maintained by Centarro.

Drupal Commerce powers eCommerce innovation through every stage of growth. At its core it is lean and mean, enforcing strict development standards and leveraging the greatest features of Drupal for maximum flexibility.

eCommerce platforms are often developed with an application mindset, highlighting what you can do with them out of the box. Drupal Commerce was developed with a framework first mindset, focusing on what you can build with it. The Commerce Core project was designed to enable teams to adapt to change and scale with ease.

Sponsored and maintained by Centarro.

Commerce Shipping

Commerce Shipping provides a shipping rate calculation system for Drupal Commerce, integrating shipping service selection into both the checkout form and order edit form. This module is a framework that is meant to be used in conjunction with shipping method modules like Commerce Flat Rate, Commerce UPS, and others.

Shipping service availability and rate calculation is handled in the user interface through Rules and is backed up by an API that gives you a high level of flexibility to implement simple or complex shipping scenarios.

Developers and users of this module should use the new and improved Commerce Shipping 2.x version. Sites created using Commerce Shipping 1.x can find notes on what has changed and how to update in the release notes for the Commerce Shipping 2.0 release.

Development sponsored by Reveal IT and Centarro.

Commerce PayPal

This project integrates Drupal Commerce with various PayPal payment solutions. The primary integration method for both versions of the module (Drupal 9+ vs.

Commerce Stock

Commerce Stock

Commerce Stock module, for Drupal Commerce.
This module provides stock management for Drupal Commerce stores.

Commerce Discount

The discounts overview table.

Commerce Discount provides a user interface for creating and managing various types of Product and Order discounts. It lets merchants more easily configure promotions without having to learn Rules, a core requirement for product pricing in Commerce 1.x.

The module adds essential features to promotions through the use of a custom entity type, including fields to configure how a discount is displayed in the cart, usage counts, valid date ranges, and more. Refer to the project documentation to learn how these features work.

Furthermore, since these custom entities are exportable, developers who prefer to can manage them in code for version control and testing / deployment purposes.

Commerce Feeds

Import or aggregrate Commerce entities (e.g. products) using Feeds

Using the power of Feeds, almost any type of data can be imported into commerce entities, be it data in the Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format, XML format (use Feeds XPath Parser), or any other format for which a feeds importer exists. Data can also be synchronized from a remote location, e.g. from an XML or RSS feed, handling potential issues associated with duplicate content. Large amounts of data can be comfortably imported because of the Feeds usage of Drupal's core Batch API. This module can import both commerce entities and their associated commerce display nodes in two consecutive steps.

The module contains:

  • Product processor for Feeds that creates product entities in Drupal.
  • Profile processor for Feeds that creates customer profile entities in Drupal.
  • Commerce coupon processor for Feeds that creates coupon entities in Drupal.
  • Commerce price mapper supporting the creation of price amounts and currency codes from raw input.
  • Commerce product reference mapper supporting the creation of relationships between product displays and product entities.

Commerce Features

This project originally integrated Commerce Core 1.x with the Features module for Drupal 7. This paradigm has long since been replaced by configuration management in core.

Commerce Backoffice

Provides the backoffice functionality present in Commerce Kickstart v2.

Contains three submodules: commerce_backoffice_product, commerce_backoffice_order, commerce_backoffice_content.

Commerce Backoffice Product

Provides a better experience for stores using nodes as product displays for grouping product variations (commerce_product entities).

  • The node/add screen is now split into two tabs, "Create content" (ordinary node types), and "Create product" (product display node types).
  • The products view is now a view of nodes, showing product displays. Contains special exposed filters for filtering by product display type, and product display categories.
  • Uses the megarow pattern to provide a "Quick Edit" link in the view, that shows all product variations for that product display, right underneath the triggering row. The status and price can be modified directly.
  • Modifies the "Content types" screen by adding additional help text for understanding product displays, and adds a column to the table that indicates whether the node type is a product display node type*.

Commerce Addressbook

Commerce Addressbook is a module that allows authenticated customers to reuse
previously entered addresses during checkout.
They can manage all entered addresses in their user panel (user/%user/addressbook).

Note that for data consistency reasons editing a previously entered address
won't change it on previously made orders.


The 7.x-3.x version offers UX improvements and is currently the active development version for new features.

Difference between 2.x and 3.x

User's default customer profile will now be displayed below the address selection list in a "read-only" mode (we're no longer trying to refresh the field values after selecting a profile).
If you need to make some changes to an existing customer profile, you'll be able to using an "Edit" button.
A new option has been added to the select list ( "+ Enter a new address") that will let you explicitly specify a new address.

Commerce Coupon

This modules adds coupon features to Drupal Commerce through integration with the Commerce Discoun

Inline Entity Form

Supported Versions

A 2.x Version has been released erroneously, containing multiple regressions and unreviewed commits. This is currently cleaned up in [#]. Help is appreciated.

About IEF

Provides a widget for inline management (creation, modification, removal) of referenced entities.
The primary use case is the parent -> children one (product display -> products, order -> line items, etc.), where the child entities are never managed outside the parent form.
Existing entities can also be referenced.

Supports commerce_product_reference, commerce_line_item_reference and entityreference fields.
Requires integration code to be provided for each entity type that can be referenced.
Supports the commerce_product (including Commerce AutoSKU integration) and commerce_line_item, node, taxonomy_term entity types out of the box.
Integration for other entity types has not yet been written, patches welcome.

See the README for information about getting started and integrating other entity types.

This module was covered on Lullabot Module Monday and Commerce Module Tuesday.

Requires the Entity API module.
Requires Drupal 7.15 or newer.

Commerce Stripe

Stripe Payment Element show with the default layout and theme

This module integrates Drupal Commerce with various Stripe payment solutions, including the Payment Element (pictured t

Commerce AutoSKU

Commerce AutoSKU allows administrators to generate SKU's for Drupal Commerce products automatically.

Commerce License

Provides a framework for selling access to local or remote resources.

In practice, this means that there’s a license entity, usually created during order checkout, that holds information about accessing the purchased resource, and it has a status and an optional expiration date. This allows selling access to anything from files to node types, or perhaps ZenDesk tickets and accounts on remote sites, all using a common API, while always having a record of the purchased access for the benefit of both the store administrator and the customer.

Drupal 10

Use 3.0.x. If you were using a recent dev release of 8.x-2.x, the code is identical. The only differences are related to dependencies.

Works with Commerce Recurring for license subscriptions.

See the README for configuration instructions.

Drupal 9

If you are working on a new site, use 3.0.x.

If you have been using a beta or earlier dev release, you'll need to upgrade to the latest 8.x-2.x release first. See the release notes for step by step instructions.

Works with Commerce Recurring for license subscriptions.

See the README for configuration instructions.

Drupal 7


  • Any kind of local or remote resource be licensed.
    Licenses are entities. Licensed types are implemented as classes (thanks to Entity Bundle Plugin) and contain all relevant logic.
  • A license can be configurable, allowing its fields to be edited straight on the add to cart form (through Inline Entity Form), or through a checkout pane.
  • Remote licenses are synchronizable, allowing a remote service to be contacted each time the status changes (to create / suspend an account, or anything else).
  • A checkout pane for the "complete" step shows the access details of the bought licenses, and in the case of remote licenses, refreshes itself until advanced queue processes the sync.
  • Licenses can be time limited, and are automatically expired (by cron) once that time passes.


  • commerce_license_example: demonstrates the API for both local and remote licenses.
  • commerce_license_role: allows roles to be licensed. The customer receives the role
    referenced by the purchased license product. Changing $license->product_id (from "Basic Membership" to "Premium Membership", for instance) changes the owner's role.

Commerce Flat Rate

This module allows you to define any number of flat rate shipping services via the user interface in conjunction with Commerce Shipping 2.x. When you define a new flat rate service, you specify the base rate for it in the add / edit form. You can further modify the base rate (enabling things like weight or quantity based shipping) using rate calculation rules.

This is functionally equivalent to using product pricing rules to add discounts or fees to base product prices before adding them to the cart.

Commerce Email

This module lets you react to various Drupal Commerce events to send emails to customers, administrators, or other interested parties. The emails use token replacement to include order details in their text, and the email sender uses an inline conditions element to govern whether or not the email should be sent for the given order / event.

Commerce add to cart confirmation

Provides an "add to cart" confirmation dialog, shown after the customer has added a product to his cart.

Commerce Extra

Commerce Extra Login Page

Commerce Extra module allows site builders to enable extra features or improvements which are missing from Drupal Commerce core. The module is a collection of minimal submodules which some of developer might not consider worth of a full project and therefore are added into this module.

New features are welcome! Please post your feature requests into issue queue! If you're developer and don't want to create a full project for small tweak, this is the right place.

The module is work in progress and should not be installed into any production site.

See video screencast about this module made by Pedro Cambra from Commerce Guys.

Feature/improvement overview

  1. Improve checkout by pre-populating customer profile information's addressfield. Needs an address field for user entity. See also Commerce Addressbook for similiar functionality.
  2. Add extra step where user may login, but doesn't require it.
  3. Improve quantity field by wrapping it with decrease/increase button links.

Commerce Rules Extra

This project aims to be a library of Rules events, conditions and actions for Drupal Commerce. Actively maintained and tested on a large eCommerce site. We are always seeking collaboration with other Rules based DC modules.

Commerce Checkout Order Fields

Commerce Checkout Order Fields exposes order form display modes as checkout panes, allowing you to collect additional order data during checkout.

Commerce Exchanger

Fixer exchange rates

Currency exchange rates module for Drupal Commerce 2.
