SimpleTest 8.x-3.x

The SimpleTest D8/D9 branch is a copy from the D8 SimpleTest module from Drupal core. SimpleTest was removed from Drupal core in favour of using PHPUnit for its testing needs. See #3110862: Remove simpletest module from core
Testing should be done using PHPUnit. Any remaining SimpleTests you have should be converted to PHPUnit. This module is available for people who have not had the opportunity to convert their tests yet and for those that would like a UI to run their tests.

Getting you module ready for D9

If you have SimpleTests in your module and you don't have the resources to update them for Drupal 9, you should follow the steps in the change record to make sure you can run your SimpleTests on DrupalCI with Drupal 9.

SimpleTest 7.x-2.x

The 7.x branch was moved to Drupal core.
The branch will contain an up-to-date fork of the Drupal 7 SimpleTest module that will allow for work to continue during the Drupal 7 cylce. An external git repository is being used in order to facility easy merges with Drupal 7 core. CVS will always have the lastest development copy for use. Please see the CHANGELOG for a listing or changes made.
Take a look at Switcheroo so you can switch back and forth between core SimpleTest and SimpleTest 2.x.

The php-curl library is required for SimpleTest to function.

Further reading

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
