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Provides a way to compare two pieces of content to vote upon.

This module is great for websites that value high page views as it allows users to view many pages as they keep clicking that vote button.

7.x-dev Actively being worked on

6.x-dev Minimally Supported

  • Uses core content type and cck nodereference fields so you can do "apples to oranges" comparisons.
  • Autocomplete form fields for selection of content
  • A standings page to view results.
  • Upon voting, you are redirected to the next Smackdown of the same content type.
  • Ability to have your users create more smackdowns.
  • requires VotingAPI, Content Construction Kit (CCK) (specifically Node Reference) which has it's own other dependencies.
  • Development sponsored by ParentsClick / Lifetime Digital.

5.x-dev Unsupported

  • Allows "apple to apple" comparisons, not "apple to orange", meaning that you can only compare two pieces of content that are of the same content type.
  • Taxonomy integration, which essentially limits your autocomplete results.
  • Requires VotingAPI.
  • Developed at Sony BMG in close collaboration with the Lullabots.

Project information
