Spell Checker

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module supports spell checking of node content (including title, body and CCK fields).


  • spell checking in real-time for input and textarea,
  • integration with WYSIWYG,
  • learn new words,
  • Taxonomy as storage of custom words,
  • show spell errors on page load in TinyMCE editor,
  • easy selection of different engines,
  • no external PHP library required, you can use Google Spell API as alternative


First of all, please read INSTALL.txt.

You have to activate spell checker in content type settings (i.e. admin/content/node-type/page) or for specified fields (CCK).

WYSIWYG SpellCheck integration

After installing WYSIWYG SpellCheck, Edit your WYSIWYG profile and activate Spell Check button (i.e. admin/settings/wysiwyg/profile/1/edit).

PSpell integration

See: INSTALL.txt and also read PHP PSpell Installation Manual.

On Linux, simply try: sudo apt-get install php5-pspell aspell-en && sudo apachectl restart

Supported modules


It has support for following spell engines (configurable from settings page):

It has support for following storage engines (configurable from settings page):

  • Taxonomy
  • PSpell personal wordlist (text file)

It uses following PHP libraries:


Use hook_spellchecker() to define your custom spell engines and storage methods.


This project was sponsored by the Department for Education (UK).




Project information
