Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This project requires quickstart.

From your home directory run this script: install-supergit.sh "your name" youremail@domain.com

Improvements installed:
* Git flow - convenience functions for high level branch management
- http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model
- http://jeffkreeftmeijer.com/2010/why-arent-you-using-git-flow

* Git Bash Completion - Tab completion of git stuff

* Git-Flow Bash Completion - Tab completion of git-flow commands and branches
- https://github.com/bobthecow/git-flow-completion

* Git aware shell (Thanks Work Habit)
- When inside a repository, the shell will append the current branch to the
end of the path, as well as a * if there are uncommitted changes.
For example: username[/path/to/repository][master*]

* Awesome git configuration (Thanks Work Habit) - command aliases and
pretty colors
- git st git status
- git ci git commit
- git cia git commit -a
- git br git branch
- git co git checkout
- git df git diff
- git lg git log -p
- git sth git stash
- git up git pull origin
- git who git shortlog -s --
- git spull git !git-svn rebase
- git spush git !git-svn dcommit
- git ddiff git !git-diff --no-prefix
- git last [user] Shows last two days of commits on all local and remote
branches for user (optional). If user is not specified,
then it shows your commits.

* Drush aliases and completions (Thanks Nuvole)
- cdd jump to Drupal root directory from within the Drupal tree
- cdd vie[TAB] Autocomplete "cdd views" and jump to Views module
- dr[fu,fr,fd] feature_c[TAB]
Autocomplete "feature_cool" and run drush [fu, fr, fd]

Project information