Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module provides a hacky solution to fix the problem with AHAH choking the web browser on the features create and recreate pages.

If you have many modules and your variable table is rather large—this module is for you. The reason the page takes forever to load is due to how this module setup AHAH. When the page gets loaded it called Drupal.behaviors.ahah(); which then attaches listeners to every single checkbox on that page. Keeping that in mind, take a look at your variable table, now look at how many checkboxes the strongarm module exposes to features... yea, that's where your bottleneck derives from.

The issue seems to be fixed on Drupal 7, so there will only be a Drupal 6 version of this module.

ALSO, this issue seems to only occur in Chrome as of v22, so using firefox would essentially render this module useless.

Project information