Page Load Progress throbber in action

Page Load Progress sets a screen lock showing a throbber when the user submits a form that triggers a time consuming task. It unequivocally indicates a task is being executed, and, as a result, improves the overall user experience. By forbidding users from clicking around while waiting, it also prevents task execution failures, e.g. when working with web services.


To configure the behavior of this module go to admin/config/user-interface/page-load-progress.


Even though you can leverage a Configuration Management override or a Twig
template to change the default behavior, it is strongly recommended you trigger
the throbber only on form submits and internal links as these are the only
supported use cases. Be warned!

If you must, assign the behavior to <a> elements carefully. <a> elements can be opened in a new browser tab or window, which would leave the original window locked waiting for reload. Also, <a> elements are sometimes used with modals, so make sure that you identify what classes trigger modal windows and you use :not() to avoid them, or use specific classes when assigning the behavior (example a.not-modal).

Project information
