This snippet builds on another snippet about "Add an Edit this Block link". Instead of a link this goes further to have the edit link look like the tabs for View, Edit, etc. Here is the code to include in your theme's block.tpl.php file:

<div id="block-<?php print $block->module .'-'. $block->delta; ?>" class="clear-block block block-<?php print $block->module ?>">

  if ($block->module == 'block'):
    if (user_access('administer blocks')) :?>
    <div id="tabs-wrapper">
      <ul class="tabs primary">
        <li class="active">
          <a class="active" href='<?php print check_url(base_path()) ?>admin/build/block/configure/<?php print $block->module;?>/<?php print $block->delta;?>'>Edit</a>

<?php if (!empty($block->subject)): ?>
  <h2><?php print $block->subject ?></h2>
<?php endif;?>

  <div class="content"><?php print $block->content ?></div>

If the core style sheets are being loaded this should produce an "Edit" tab above each block for users who have "administer blocks" privileges.


ipwa’s picture

Does anyone know how could I apply this to 5.9? I also tried this and it didn't work either.



luyendao’s picture

I think if you just did in this in 5.x it'll work, I'm pretty sure all the code in here will work in 5.x, but I could be wrong.

if (user_access('administer blocks')) { 
print l('edit block','admin/build/block/configure/' . $block->module . '/' . $block->delta);

Web Developer / Drupal Munkey
Randomlink Interactive Inc.

Paul_Gregory’s picture

I suggest some changes so that this validates when more than one block is shown on a page and also an addition to bring the user back to the originating page after editing the block. This is based on the block.tpl.php for the Garland theme:

<div id="block-<?php print $block->module .'-'. $block->delta; ?>" class="clear-block block block-<?php print $block->module ?>">
  // print out an 'Edit Block' link for users with administer blocks privilege
  if ($block->module == 'block'):
    if (user_access('administer blocks')) :?>
    <div class="block-tabs-wrapper">
      <ul class="tabs">
          <?php print l('Edit Block','admin/build/block/configure/' . $block->module . '/' . $block->delta.'?'.drupal_get_destination()); ?>

<?php if (!empty($block->subject)): ?>
  <h2><?php print $block->subject ?></h2>
<?php endif;?>

  <div class="content"><?php print $block->content ?></div>

It might also be nice to use jquery and css (like Views 2) to hide the tab until you hover over the block so this doesn't break the layout of a page.

Paul Gregory


mplewis’s picture

After trying Paul Gregory's code (posted above), I found that drupal_get_destination() was not working properly. It seems that, when using the l() function to create a link, the destination URL must be passed in the options array (3rd argument). See and

Here's my modified code. Please let me know if you find any problems or mistakes:

<div id="block-<?php print $block->module.'-'.$block->delta; ?>" class="clear-block block block-<?php print $block->module; ?>">

  if ($block->module == 'block'):
    if (user_access('administer blocks')):
    <div class="block-tabs-wrapper">
      <ul class="tabs primary">
          <?php print l('Edit', 'admin/build/block/configure/'.$block->module.'/'.$block->delta, array('query' => drupal_get_destination())); ?>

<?php if (!empty($block->subject)): ?>
  <h2><?php print $block->subject; ?></h2>
<?php endif;?>

  <div class="content"><?php print $block->content; ?></div>
shinz83’s picture

Where do I place the "snippet"?

Do I replace the entire block code? This is what I currently have:

// $Id: block.tpl.php 7156 2010-04-24 16:48:35Z chris $

<div id="block-<?php print $block->module .'-'. $block->delta; ?>" class="block block-<?php print $block->module ?> <?php print $block_zebra; ?> <?php print $position; ?> <?php print $skinr; ?>">
  <div class="inner">
    <div class="corner-top"><div class="corner-top-right corner"></div><div class="corner-top-left corner"></div></div>
    <?php if (isset($edit_links)): ?>
    <?php print $edit_links; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
  	<div class="inner-wrapper">
      <div class="inner-inner">
        <?php if ($block->subject): ?>
        <div class="block-icon pngfix"></div>
        <h2 class="title block-title"><?php print $block->subject ?></h2>
        <?php endif;?>
        <div class="content clearfix">
          <?php print $block->content ?>
      </div><!-- /inner-inner -->
	  </div><!-- /inner-wrapper -->
    <div class="corner-bottom"><div class="corner-bottom-right corner"></div><div class="corner-bottom-left corner"></div></div>
  </div><!-- /inner -->
</div><!-- /block -->