I would like to have documentation on how to set up the module and Cognito.


nielsaers created an issue.

nielsaers’s picture

Step 1: Create AWS key and secret

Step 2: Creating user pool and app

  • Go to https://eu-central-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cognito/home
  • Go to manage your user pools
  • Create a user pool
  • Choose "Step through the settings"
  • Select "Email address or phone number"
  • Make "Email" required
  • Go through the next steps using default settings until you reach the create an app step
  • Add a new app
  • Uncheck "Generate client secret"
  • Check "Enable sign-in API for server-based authentication (ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH)"
  • Create app
  • Go through the next steps and create pool

Step 3: Get the user pool id and client id

  • Get the User pool id from the "General Settings" tab of your user pool
  • Get the client id from from the "App clients" tab of your user pool

Fill in the needed ids in your settings.php file and you are ready to go.

sealionking’s picture

thanks for this guide!

greggles’s picture

Prior to doing step 1, is it important to be logged in as the AWS Root user?

This seems like some great documentation that could go into the README.txt

@nielsaers would you be interested in providing that as a patch?

Leon Kessler’s picture

Thanks nielsaers. I added your instructions onto the patch to add a README file in this ticket: #2988696: README missing