I know you are still working on this but how do you initiate the pics on the left?


ipwa’s picture

Hello, I first started applying the style to any image that was displayed, but later realized this was not a good approach because there could be more than one inline image per post in the front page so it would have looked weird. So I decided to apply it to imagefields being displayed in the front page. Any imagefield any size on the front page will be resized in css and floated left of the text. Any comments on this and how you'd like it to work are always welcome.

Grayside’s picture

The resizing distorts the images. It might be better to simply select the top X by Y square of the image, or perhaps a designated imagecache preset if that module is available.

I like this theme, good work.

ipwa’s picture

I will solve this issue applying feaux cropping to the image: http://www.cssglobe.com/post/6089/3-easy-and-fast-css-techniques-for-fau...

ipwa’s picture

In Drupal 7 this feature will come by default for D6:

1. Make a view.
2. Put your imagefield first and display it with an imagecache preset of about 300px in width and 150 in height (I suggest scale and crop).
3. Put the rest of your fields, like title and body with trim.
4. Use this css (will be different in d7 this is for d6):

.front .field-type-filefield img {
border: 1px solid #3B352C;
float: left;
margin: 0 10px 10px 0;

That will work on the front page change it to .view-MYVIEWNAME .field-type-filefield img {} for other page views.

Hope that helps!

ipwa’s picture

Version: 6.x-1.x-dev » 2.0.x-dev
Issue summary: View changes