Data types overview

Last updated on
25 September 2018

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The following table shows all the legal combinations of the 'type' and 'size' fields of a column specification along with the underlying database data types used by each combination. As of Drupal 7, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite data types are supported in Drupal core. Drupal 6 core supports MySQL and PostgreSQL.

The maximum size or range of each underlying type is also shown. For integer types, the number of storage bytes is given; the maximum range depends on whether the field is signed or unsigned. For varchar, text, and blob types, the maximum size is given.

type size MySQL type & size/range PostgreSQL type & size/range SQLite type
serial tiny tinyint, 1 B serial, 4 B integer
serial small smallint, 2 B serial, 4 B integer
serial medium mediumint, 3 B serial, 4 B integer
serial big bigint, 8 B bigserial, 8 B integer
serial normal int, 4 B serial, 4 B integer
int tiny tinyint, 1 B smallint, 2 B integer
int small smallint, 2 B smallint, 2 B integer
int medium mediumint, 3 B int, 4 B integer
int big bigint, 8 B bigint, 8 B integer
int normal int, 4 B int, 4 B integer
float tiny float, 4 B real, 6 digits float
float small float, 4 B real, 6 digits float
float medium float, 4 B real, 6 digits float
float big double, 8 B double precision, 15 digits float
float normal float, 4 B real, 6 digits float
numeric normal numeric, 65 digits numeric, 1000 digits numeric
varchar normal varchar, 255 B (D6) or 64 KB (D7 and later) [1] varchar, 1 GB varchar
char normal char, 255 B character, 1 GB (UNSUPPORTED)
text tiny tinytext, 256 B text, unlimited text
text small tinytext, 256 B text, unlimited text
text medium mediumtext, 16 MB text, unlimited text
text big longtext, 4 GB text, unlimited text
text normal text, 16 KB text, unlimited text
blob [2] big longblob, 4 GB bytea, 4 GB blob
blob [2] normal blob, 16 KB bytea, 4 GB blob
datetime [3] normal [3] datetime, years 1001 CE to 9999 CE [3] timestamp, years 4713 BCE to 5874897 CE [3] (UNSUPPORTED) [3]

[1] MySQL 5.0.3 or later (see
PostgreSQL 9.0 or later (see
SQLite 3.0 or later (see

[2] For database portability blob fields must be used to store serialized data since PHP adds null bytes if objects are serialized. Null bytes cannot be stored in Postgres text or varchar fields.

[3] Note that DateTime support was removed from D7 DB API - use mysql_type or pgsql_type if you want this functionality

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