Update module overview

Last updated on
29 March 2024

The Update manager (Drupal 8) module periodically checks for new versions of your site's software (including contributed modules and themes), and alert you to available updates.

The log of available updates will indicate when new releases are ready for download, and you may configure various options, including frequency of update checking and notification options (which are performed during cron runs), at the respective module settings page if you have administration permissions.

Note also that the Update manager module's periodic check will generate considerable network traffic for Drupal.org. Multiple sites served from the same codebase (AKA 'multisite') will each perform their own check. The best practice might be to reduce the frequency for sites which share the same codebase, or dedicate one site to be the one that checks and disable Update on the other sites. Your site can be configured to check for updates once a day, or once a week. You can also use Drush to set the value to an arbitrary number of days.

If you have checked out Drupal code via Git instead of installing a release tar.gz archive you downloaded from drupal.org, you will need to install and enable the Git Deploy module.

If you installed Drupal with Composer, you will need to update with Composer.

For a full guide on keeping your Drupal 8 website up to date see the Drupal 8 User Guide 13.3. Concept: Security and Regular Updates.

Anonymous usage statistics

Please note that in order to provide this information, anonymous usage statistics (consisting of a unique key and a list of versions of the software your site is running) are sent to Drupal.org. If desired, you may disable the Update status module from the module administration page. This will result in a warning on the status report page.

Configuring Update Manager During Installation

When setting up a new Drupal site, the installation process offers options to configure the Update Manager module for immediate use, vital for security and update notifications. This section outlines how installation choices like automatic updates and email notifications configure the module. Importantly, these settings are not final and can be adjusted later to suit evolving site needs, ensuring flexibility in maintaining site security and update awareness without delving into the specific security implications of each option.

Enabling the Update Manager Module

  • Check for Updates Automatically: Selecting this checkbox during the installation process enables the Update Manager module. This action activates the module's functionality to periodically check for updates to your Drupal installation, including core and contributed projects. It ensures that your site automatically checks for the latest updates.

Configuring Email Notifications

  • Receive Email Notifications: By choosing this option, you configure the Update Manager to send notifications to the site maintenance account's email whenever new updates are available. This setting is particularly useful for site administrators to stay informed about critical updates, security releases, and regular maintenance updates.

The Role of the Site maintenance account's Email

  • The Site Maintenance Account's (aka admin user's) email plays a pivotal role in receiving update notifications. If the "receive email notifications" checkbox is selected during installation, the Update Manager module is configured to add this email to its notification list. This ensures that the primary user responsible for the site maintenance receives direct alerts about updates, allowing for timely actions to be taken.

Note: The Update Manager module sends anonymous usage statistics to Drupal.org.

Selecting these checkboxes during the initial Drupal setup tailors the Update Manager module's behavior to suit your preferences for site maintenance and security. Understanding the implications of these choices helps site maintainers make informed decisions that affect the site's operational readiness and security posture.

By configuring the Update Manager module during the Drupal installation, you lay a strong foundation for a well-maintained and secure site, ensuring that you are promptly informed of updates and can act quickly to apply them.

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