Has anybody tried to integrate flexpaper with swftools.

To get started i followed this link http://drupal.org/node/756592#comment-2792458

I am using

I installed the module swf tools beta 5, did the necessary configuration , copy the flexpaper folder to libraries folder. created a cck field and assign the profile to the field through cck display field option.

now when i tried to upload a swf file or pdf to the cck field that i have created , i am getting the below error in the front end" No player is configured for a series of mixed media files. Check the flex-profile profile file handling settings."
and in th body of the node i am getting this "You are missing some Flash content that should appear here! Perhaps your browser cannot display it, or maybe it did not initialize correctly."

After that i check the swftools report , there i am also not seeing the animation , if i choose flexpaper option in the swftools file handelling configuration. But if i change flexpaper to "Display the swf directly on the page" the animation shown up in the report page.
But the above error keeping coming on the front end.

So if anybody provides a detailed or step wise documention to how to configure flex paper with swf tools would be very helpful.



fotuzlab’s picture

drupaldrop’s picture

Thanks for looking in to it.

Yes , tried the both links , the first one takes you the same link that i have posted in my issue and on trying the second removing folder and re-add doesn't resolve the problem.