My site I am currently working on isn't loading my slides correctly. It only loads in whatever slide is currently first in the line up. I have reinstalled it with the same result but I have had the same results. I also can't seem to get my themes to load in properly, I can change them but get no results. I have used this plugin a few times and have never had this issue.....Any help on this issue would be appreciated.

The link to the site is


Loyer’s picture

Also, the site is running Drupal 7.15.
Four slides are currently uploaded and the theme is set on default.

Devin Carlson’s picture

Project: Nivo Slider » Views Nivo Slider
Version: 7.x-1.6 » 7.x-3.x-dev

The site you linked to is using the Views Nivo Slider module not the Nivo Slider module.