The current version of Media allows for title and alt attributes but they are not propagated to the image fields. Galleria relies on them to display an image caption so at the moment "Media + Galleria = no captions". A good way around it will be to use tokens to derive the captions. Colorbox for example offers an option to specify where to get the image caption from and one of the choices is an arbitrary token.

Does Galleria offer something similar? The goal is to get the caption from a Media file attribute/field.



kirilius’s picture

Hi, any comments?

jamesbenison’s picture

Using media 7.x-2.x add a file field to your content instead of an image field. Choose the media file selector widget. Then check the image box under allowed media types. This will enable the alt and title field mapping in the field formatter when you go to manage display.

shadysamir’s picture

Version: 7.x-1.0-beta3 » 7.x-1.x-dev

Using latest media dev. Selecting file as field type does not show Alt/Title options, only description. Meanwhile, using image field type and entering proper Alt/Title for images, Galleria field formatter does not use them even as image attributes, which in turn makes captions not show up when info option is true.

shadysamir’s picture

No response yet for #3?