I wanted a view that listed Todo items.
The key to all of this was http://drupal.org/project/popups (thanks for this one!)
When the item was done I want to mark it done.
There is editablefields etc but this one worked best for me.
1. Create the view and setup the fields. In this case I passed a nid field as well as a title, teaser and a hours field.
2. Go to that field in the views --> fields --> edit and set the field to rewrite the output of that field.
You may be able to just ouput it as a link and put some edits in there?
3. Once in there put something like this into the line it now offers
<a href="node/[nid]edit" class="popups">Edit Me</a>
And save away.

Now when you go view this list you can quickly edit that task list.

I also want not to see the entire node edit list. So I did this.
1. installed editablefields module
2. made a view with just the fields I wanted and set each field to editable.
3. then I did as above but instead of node/[nid]/edit
I went to the path of this view quickedit/[nid]
This view expected an argument so it pulled this nid and showed that task/node.

Also I want a quick add task block so I did this.
Create Block w/ Full html
<a href="node/add/task" class="popups-form">Quick Add</a>
Added just that line and now the nodes popup in a new window.


masood_mj’s picture

I've used this tip to create a tip on biblio items to show the citation for users by using views + hovertip + biblio module. I've changed the title field output like following code:

<span hovertip="[nid]">[title]</span> <div id="[nid]" class="hovertip">[citation]</div>
priyankprajapati’s picture

Hi friend
where i use this code in any block ?

if i wanna monthly wise archive blog.
if i click on the particular month then i dont wanna open the data in another page,
its open on a particular popup functionality.
how can i use it ?

deanflory’s picture

gauravktomar’s picture

Thanks Deanflory, it worked.