I'm having issues with javascript & my Tweme subthemes on two differents. On both, the Administration Menu disappears often but reappears on page reload, I can't get the Livefyre commenting embed to load at all & no WYSIWYG editor will load. On one the collapsed mobile menu works - with bootstrap-collapse.js turned off - while on the other it doesn't work w/ bootstrap-collapse.js turned on. Maybe I screwed up with jQuery Update?


anydigital’s picture

Hm. Very strange. Which jQuery version do you use? Also - may be something wrong with the markup? You could send me both your themes and I'll try to figure out.

Bricks and Clicks Marketing’s picture

I have the same issue, I did not realize it was Tweme until now. No WYSIWYG editor will load, either via the WYSIWYG module or the Ckeditor module. Suggestions for troubleshooting?

saptha’s picture

I am using CKeditor in a subtweme and I found that only with overlay option the CKEditor will load but not without overlay option.

saptha’s picture

I think the problem is due to the conflict with admin_menu module and jquery_update module.
Once they are disabled I am able to see the ckeditor toolbar
Hope this helps someone

Bricks and Clicks Marketing’s picture

I had to move scripts into the header rather than right before </body>. Lower on the page is recommended for performance but that doesn't jibe with Drupal.