On every book page I create, my user picture is added. I don't want that.
I just can't figure out how to remove it. The only field in the book content type is the Body field. So where does the user pic come from?


VM’s picture

two options:

hide it with css
create a custom tpl.php file from a copy of node.tpl.php and in the new file remove the user picture variable.

DeNelo’s picture

Thanks, solved. I went the CSS route. Figuring out how to name the tpl file was too difficult... :)

VM’s picture


[MACHINE-NAME-OF-CONTENT-TYPE] can be found in administer -> structure -> content types -> YOUR CONTENT TYPE

AS an aside, if you don't want to use user-pictures at all, anywhere in the site, you can simply disable the feature @ admin/config/people/accounts