what is up all, I am jay and new to drupal. But a vet at web sties. I am struggling with two things in Drupal, First off is images are broken once I select away from the original? If I use the original it is blown up so big you can count the stones in the blacktop and there seems to be no way to see the pic on one screen. If I change to thumbnail/medium/Large there is no pic and it displays what looks like broken picture display link, But if you click on the broken picture it sends you to a new page view and the pic loads to a reasonable size. can anyone help me fix my thumbnails so I have the pic's for thumbnails and medium?

second off it is displaying all the pics in every post??? Any help would be appreciated!



VM’s picture

per: https://drupal.org/node/644164 please edit the opening post and move it to the 'post installation' forum. Thanks.

piratejay’s picture

is this not a coding Question? it seems like a coding problem to me, this is out of the box. It should upload with no problems, Right? I am just asking here. I know Galley, Joomla, WeBid, Wordpress and some others! Or dose Drupal require way more tweaking than others, I have tweaked it to about to its max as far as i can tell, (With the same result with ever tweak) With out writing new code for it. Am i wrong here did i miss something? I am new to Drupal! but not to building sites! Btw thank you for the quick reply!

VM’s picture

this is not a module development question or a code question related to module development. I'll be more than happy to aid once you move this thread to a more appropriate forum per the guidelines already linked. Thanks.

piratejay’s picture

i was trying to move it, it would not let me for 70 sec. twice you must have been trying to post the same time i was trying to move it...lol ty

VM’s picture

when images aren't being displayed it's helpful to look at the path of the image and verify that the image is where the browser is looking for it.

for example:


is the image 011.JPG located in sites/default/files/default_images? if it is, check the folder permissions on all folders within the path.

it's also helpful to know what you were doing between the time the images were displaying properly and when the weren't.

piratejay’s picture

Btw nice to meet you, And thanks for your help in getting me help.

So far this is what i have:
You are hereHome » Administration » Configuration » Media
Public file system path
A local file system path where public files will be stored. This directory must exist and be writable by Drupal. This directory must be relative to the Drupal installation directory and be accessible over the web.
Private file system path: Is blank

An existing local file system path for storing private files. It should be writable by Drupal and not accessible over the web. See the online handbook for more information about securing private files.
Temporary directory: /tmp

A local file system path where temporary files will be stored. This directory should not be accessible over the web.
Default download method
Public local files served by the webserver.
This setting is used as the preferred download method. The use of public files is more efficient, but does not provide any access control. And yes i have this selected.

Checked all permissions, There is no reason that i can find?

piratejay’s picture

Also sorry at first all i did was up load, i can revert one back so you can see it in its org form. That is part of the problem, they never displayed properly please go back to my site and see for yourself... i have switched one back? lol see what i mean it is so big you can count the stones in the black top... for real!

Access the content overview page
anonymous user: Access the content overview page
authenticated user: Access the content overview page
administrator: Access the content overview page
View published content
anonymous user: View published content
authenticated user: View published content
administrator: View published content

yes to all of these

VM’s picture

Access the content overview page
anonymous user: Access the content overview page
authenticated user: Access the content overview page
administrator: Access the content overview page
View published content
anonymous user: View published content
authenticated user: View published content
administrator: View published content

the above aren't the permissions in question. On the server each folder and file have server level permissions. If the original file is able to be viewed, it would make me inspect the permissions on the folders where the thumbnails are generated.

piratejay’s picture

is this what i am looking for? so far this is what i have found.


* @file
* Hooks related to image styles and effects.

* @addtogroup hooks
* @{

* Define information about image effects provided by a module.
* This hook enables modules to define image manipulation effects for use with
* an image style.
* @return
* An array of image effects. This array is keyed on the machine-readable
* effect name. Each effect is defined as an associative array containing the
* following items:
* - "label": The human-readable name of the effect.
* - "effect callback": The function to call to perform this image effect.
* - "dimensions passthrough": (optional) Set this item if the effect doesn't
* change the dimensions of the image.
* - "dimensions callback": (optional) The function to call to transform
* dimensions for this effect.
* - "help": (optional) A brief description of the effect that will be shown
* when adding or configuring this image effect.
* - "form callback": (optional) The name of a function that will return a
* $form array providing a configuration form for this image effect.
* - "summary theme": (optional) The name of a theme function that will output
* a summary of this image effect's configuration.
* @see hook_image_effect_info_alter()
function hook_image_effect_info() {
$effects = array();

$effects['mymodule_resize'] = array(
'label' => t('Resize'),
'help' => t('Resize an image to an exact set of dimensions, ignoring aspect ratio.'),
'effect callback' => 'mymodule_resize_effect',
'dimensions callback' => 'mymodule_resize_dimensions',
'form callback' => 'mymodule_resize_form',
'summary theme' => 'mymodule_resize_summary',

return $effects;

* Alter the information provided in hook_image_effect_info().
* @param $effects
* The array of image effects, keyed on the machine-readable effect name.
* @see hook_image_effect_info()
function hook_image_effect_info_alter(&$effects) {
// Override the Image module's crop effect with more options.
$effects['image_crop']['effect callback'] = 'mymodule_crop_effect';
$effects['image_crop']['dimensions callback'] = 'mymodule_crop_dimensions';
$effects['image_crop']['form callback'] = 'mymodule_crop_form';

* Respond to image style updating.
* This hook enables modules to update settings that might be affected by
* changes to an image. For example, updating a module specific variable to
* reflect a change in the image style's name.
* @param $style
* The image style array that is being updated.
function hook_image_style_save($style) {
// If a module defines an image style and that style is renamed by the user
// the module should update any references to that style.
if (isset($style['old_name']) && $style['old_name'] == variable_get('mymodule_image_style', '')) {
variable_set('mymodule_image_style', $style['name']);

* Respond to image style deletion.
* This hook enables modules to update settings when a image style is being
* deleted. If a style is deleted, a replacement name may be specified in
* $style['name'] and the style being deleted will be specified in
* $style['old_name'].
* @param $style
* The image style array that being deleted.
function hook_image_style_delete($style) {
// Administrators can choose an optional replacement style when deleting.
// Update the modules style variable accordingly.
if (isset($style['old_name']) && $style['old_name'] == variable_get('mymodule_image_style', '')) {
variable_set('mymodule_image_style', $style['name']);

* Respond to image style flushing.
* This hook enables modules to take effect when a style is being flushed (all
* images are being deleted from the server and regenerated). Any
* module-specific caches that contain information related to the style should
* be cleared using this hook. This hook is called whenever a style is updated,
* deleted, or any effect associated with the style is update or deleted.
* @param $style
* The image style array that is being flushed.
function hook_image_style_flush($style) {
// Empty cached data that contains information about the style.
cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_mymodule', TRUE);

* Modify any image styles provided by other modules or the user.
* This hook allows modules to modify, add, or remove image styles. This may
* be useful to modify default styles provided by other modules or enforce
* that a specific effect is always enabled on a style. Note that modifications
* to these styles may negatively affect the user experience, such as if an
* effect is added to a style through this hook, the user may attempt to remove
* the effect but it will be immediately be re-added.
* The best use of this hook is usually to modify default styles, which are not
* editable by the user until they are overridden, so such interface
* contradictions will not occur. This hook can target default (or user) styles
* by checking the $style['storage'] property.
* If your module needs to provide a new style (rather than modify an existing
* one) use hook_image_default_styles() instead.
* @see hook_image_default_styles()
function hook_image_styles_alter(&$styles) {
// Check that we only affect a default style.
if ($styles['thumbnail']['storage'] == IMAGE_STORAGE_DEFAULT) {
// Add an additional effect to the thumbnail style.
$styles['thumbnail']['effects'][] = array(
'name' => 'image_desaturate',
'data' => array(),
'weight' => 1,
'effect callback' => 'image_desaturate_effect',

* Provide module-based image styles for reuse throughout Drupal.
* This hook allows your module to provide image styles. This may be useful if
* you require images to fit within exact dimensions. Note that you should
* attempt to re-use the default styles provided by Image module whenever
* possible, rather than creating image styles that are specific to your module.
* Image provides the styles "thumbnail", "medium", and "large".
* You may use this hook to more easily manage your site's changes by moving
* existing image styles from the database to a custom module. Note however that
* moving image styles to code instead storing them in the database has a
* negligible effect on performance, since custom image styles are loaded
* from the database all at once. Even if all styles are pulled from modules,
* Image module will still perform the same queries to check the database for
* any custom styles.
* @return
* An array of image styles, keyed by the style name.
* @see image_image_default_styles()
function hook_image_default_styles() {
$styles = array();

$styles['mymodule_preview'] = array(
'effects' => array(
'name' => 'image_scale',
'data' => array('width' => 400, 'height' => 400, 'upscale' => 1),
'weight' => 0,
'name' => 'image_desaturate',
'data' => array(),
'weight' => 1,

return $styles;

* @} End of "addtogroup hooks".

VM’s picture

no. I'm not sure why you are looking at core code for a resolution.

Could you please state what the server level folder permissions are on the following folders:
the folder where the image derivatives are stored (thumbnails)

server level folder permissions can be located with your hosts file manager or with an FTP tool. you will see these permission in in the form of a three digit number. ex: 777, 775, 755, 555 and so on. you can google information on CHMOD for aid with folder permissions.

In the meantime it would be helpful if you could navigate to the folder where the image derivatives (thumbnails) are stored and visually verify that the image derivatives have indeed been generated.

Also please take the time to explain in full how you've set up the content type and image fields including the display of the images in the manage display tab for the content type in question.

Lastly, when you want to paste large amounts of code to drupal.org please use pastebin.com and link to your your code rather than pasting it in a comment or thread.

piratejay’s picture

my host is a godaddy vm... and they just changed everything fairly recently..... Sad thing is i have not used this server in a long time, I have been on a apache the most as i have two hosting accounts with two different companies... On the apache server i would have caught that a long time a go and it would have jumped out at me. it never even crossed my mind at godaddy, I will look in to that there, and thank you for all your help. and plainly pointing me in the right direction!

piratejay’s picture

no. I'm not sure why you are looking at core code for a resolution.

Could you please state what the server level folder permissions are on the following folders:
the folder where the image derivatives are stored (thumbnails)

server level folder permissions can be located with your hosts file manager or with an FTP tool. you will see these permission in in the form of a three digit number. ex: 777, 775, 755, 555 and so on. you can google information on CHMOD for aid with folder permissions.

In the meantime it would be helpful if you could navigate to the folder where the image derivatives (thumbnails) are stored and visually verify that the image derivatives have indeed been generated.

Also please take the time to explain in full how you've set up the content type and image fields including the display of the images in the manage display tab for the content type in question.

Lastly, when you want to paste large amounts of code to drupal.org please use pastebin.com and link to your your code rather than pasting it in a comment or thread.

All permissions Have been checked and reset! still not the problem.... That is why i still believe it is in the core code... Hence the path is not set right to generate the thumbnails or medium, or large pic's. these pic's are in the default, and i checked it on the server.. they are there! ??? Also i have not changed much of anything this is nearly still a default install, the content is in articles.

This is default.
Label display for Front
Formatter for Front
Original image Edit

Pass Side
Label display for Pass Side
Formatter for Pass Side
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Label display for Image
Formatter for Image
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to content Edit

Label display for Body
Formatter for Body

Label display for Tags
Formatter for Tags

Drivers Side
Label display for Drivers Side
Formatter for Drivers Side
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Label display for Tail
Formatter for Tail
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Tires & Rims
Label display for Tires & Rims
Formatter for Tires & Rims
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

This is full content...
Label display for Front
Formatter for Front
Original image Edit

Pass Side
Label display for Pass Side
Formatter for Pass Side
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Drivers Side
Label display for Drivers Side
Formatter for Drivers Side
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Tires & Rims
Label display for Tires & Rims
Formatter for Tires & Rims
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Label display for Tail
Formatter for Tail
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Label display for Body
Formatter for Body

Label display for Image
Formatter for Image
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

This is teaser...
Label display for Body
Formatter for Body
Trim length: 110 Edit

Label display for Front
Formatter for Front
Original image Edit

Label display for Image
Formatter for Image
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to content Edit

Pass Side
Label display for Pass Side
Formatter for Pass Side

Label display for Tail
Formatter for Tail

Tires & Rims
Label display for Tires & Rims
Formatter for Tires & Rims

Drivers Side
Label display for Drivers Side
Formatter for Drivers Side

Label display for Tags
Formatter for Tags

piratejay’s picture

no. I'm not sure why you are looking at core code for a resolution.

Could you please state what the server level folder permissions are on the following folders:
the folder where the image derivatives are stored (thumbnails)

server level folder permissions can be located with your hosts file manager or with an FTP tool. you will see these permission in in the form of a three digit number. ex: 777, 775, 755, 555 and so on. you can google information on CHMOD for aid with folder permissions.

In the meantime it would be helpful if you could navigate to the folder where the image derivatives (thumbnails) are stored and visually verify that the image derivatives have indeed been generated.

Also please take the time to explain in full how you've set up the content type and image fields including the display of the images in the manage display tab for the content type in question.

Lastly, when you want to paste large amounts of code to drupal.org please use pastebin.com and link to your your code rather than pasting it in a comment or thread.

All permissions Have been checked and reset! still not the problem.... That is why i still believe it is in the core code... Hence the path is not set right to generate the thumbnails or medium, or large pic's. these pic's are in the default, and i checked it on the server.. they are there! ??? Also i have not changed much of anything this is nearly still a default install, the content is in articles.

This is default.
Label display for Front
Formatter for Front
Original image Edit

Pass Side
Label display for Pass Side
Formatter for Pass Side
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Label display for Image
Formatter for Image
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to content Edit

Label display for Body
Formatter for Body

Label display for Tags
Formatter for Tags

Drivers Side
Label display for Drivers Side
Formatter for Drivers Side
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Label display for Tail
Formatter for Tail
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Tires & Rims
Label display for Tires & Rims
Formatter for Tires & Rims
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

This is full content...
Label display for Front
Formatter for Front
Original image Edit

Pass Side
Label display for Pass Side
Formatter for Pass Side
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Drivers Side
Label display for Drivers Side
Formatter for Drivers Side
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Tires & Rims
Label display for Tires & Rims
Formatter for Tires & Rims
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Label display for Tail
Formatter for Tail
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

Label display for Body
Formatter for Body

Label display for Image
Formatter for Image
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to file Edit

This is teaser...
Label display for Body
Formatter for Body
Trim length: 110 Edit

Label display for Front
Formatter for Front
Original image Edit

Label display for Image
Formatter for Image
Image style: thumbnail
Linked to content Edit

Pass Side
Label display for Pass Side
Formatter for Pass Side

Label display for Tail
Formatter for Tail

Tires & Rims
Label display for Tires & Rims
Formatter for Tires & Rims

Drivers Side
Label display for Drivers Side
Formatter for Drivers Side

Label display for Tags
Formatter for Tags

VM’s picture

That is why i still believe it is in the core code.

the code is working on 10's of thousands of sites including 6 of my own that utilize core image features and I can't reproduce the issue unless the images cannot be served by the server.

trying to access an image directly by the path on your own site indicates that the image either 'isn't in the folder' or that the server cannot access the image within the folder. you can test this on your own. ie: access the image directly and removing drupal from the equation.

piratejay’s picture

yes i have done that it is there and i can see it... ???? also sorry i tried to erase the double post but it would not let me "access denied"

VM’s picture

please provide a link directly to a thumbnail as I can no longer see the broken images on your site to investigate the path further.

piratejay’s picture

Nothing has changed??? and i have no problem seeing them! but here you go and thank you for you help!


VM’s picture

based on the path, the link provided is to a default image (original) not a path to an image derivative (thumbnail) as set by the image style in use.

For any further investigation on my part a login to the site would be required with admin access.

I poked around and changed a few things to try and get a handle on what is occurring and I'm convinced that the issue environmental in some way as even the preview image does not show. Without logging into your server and working through your folders there isn't much else I can do.

note: I removed the default images to try and limit the length of time it was taking to refresh pages. I set up a test image style. When I try to access an image (test image style) directly in the browser I get a gd library memory failure or an access denied message served from Drupal. I don't have time to test smaller images as the images in use are quite large.

piratejay’s picture

What do u think?/? I am not that far! it to it yet. Trash and reinstall?

piratejay’s picture

Btw thank you for all your help and time.

and yes the cam i am using is pro grade but the software that came with it sucks so for now i am stuck with very detailed images...lol i think gimp can fix that will have to go get it!

VM’s picture

you can start over but I'm not sure that's going to fix much of anything if it's an ownership issue. the preview is generated in the tmp folder. I changed it to be in the sites/all/files folder and even then it wouldn't display which further makes me think there's incorrect permissions somewhere in the folder structure.

piratejay’s picture


VM’s picture

in your files folder - is there a .htaccess file any where?