I am trying to create a view of one taxonomy term (with fields) and all nodes that have that term and any term in another vocabulary. There are also some other fields from the Rate module, I don't think they change anything.

What I have is:

Taxonomy term: Name
Taxonomy term: Photo or Logo
(Vote results) Vote results: Value
(Vote results) Vote results: Value type
Taxonomy term: Country (Country)
Taxonomy term: Term description (Term description)
(field_entity_name) Content: Link to reference web page (Link to reference web page)
(field_entity_name) Content: Rendered Node (Link to Issue)

Filter criteria
Taxonomy term: Vocabulary (= Entity Name)

Sort criteria
Taxonomy term: Name (asc)

Contextual filters
(field_entity_name) Content: Has taxonomy term ID (with depth)

Taxonomy vocabulary: Vote results
Taxonomy term: Content using Entity Name

What I get is the the taxonomy fields listed separately for each node of the second vocabulary.

Photo or Logo
Vote results: Value
Country (Country)
Term description (Term description)
Link to reference web page (Link to reference web page)
Content: Node link

What I want is a list of all the nodes related to the the second vocabulary under the taxonomy terms fields of the first term
Photo or Logo
Vote results: Value
Country (Country)
Term description (Term description)
Link to reference web page (Link to reference web page)
Content: Node link
Content: Node link
Content: Node link
Content: Node link

Any pointers are appreciated immensely since I am not making any progress here.


jmkaep’s picture

this module allows you to show another view within a view. Brilliant answered my own question again. lol